
Today is my birthday!! Also I may or may not STILL be questioning my sexuality,but I might be homoflexible???


Honestly,I may seem inactive but i'm really not,this tab stays open on my chromebook for 6-8 hours a day,and I constantly check it hoping there's a magical cure for my boredom. Please help me,I'm bored. Also I think I might be bi??? So that's a thing for me to think about.


this message may be offensive
Please,please please don't jump to conclusions before you read this whole message...
          Happy Bi day. Never be afraid to be yourself,if your friends don't want to be your friend because of something about you or something you can't control,their really not your friends and don't deserve your time or company. Now as for the beginning of this message where I said don't jump to conclusions,yeah,I'm actually Bisexual homoromantic,now before you start typing  " AAAAHHHH YOU STUPID PIECE OF SHIT YOUR JUST DOING THIS ON TODAY SO YOU CAN GET ATTENTION TOO" hear me out. I'm young,I'm still growing,hell,I haven't even finished puberty yet;and no I do not celebrate 2 days,I only celebrate 1,and that's during pirde month. The point is I'm young and I'm still trying to find myself,please don't take this the wong way,my life is also very stressful,and I don't appreciate angry comments about me wanting attention. Please,I don't want any kind of extra attention,just leave me be,I'm fine.
          Sincerely Penitente~


I freaking love your bio! I love how intense you can be but still be friendly, and awesome. Dont worry about being lesbian ;) im bisexual, demisexual, and trans! 
          I hope you reunite with your father very soon! I dont know why i didnt come to see your bio or get to know you sooner! 
          My main reason for saying this


Thank you  so much!


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          You are a beautiful person, but you just have to know it in your heart! If you have been tagged in this that means that you are loved and cherished by the person who sent it to you! To keep the love spreading, please forward this to eight other profiles who are beautiful just like you! Please do not stop the chain!