
The Baby Bet is complete!
          	It's been edited, polished, had continuity errors and foreshadowing patched and repaired, and generally had the whole narrative gussied up. 
          	For the sake of posterity and for anyone who wants to compare, I'm leaving the 'original' version up, which was written chapter-by-chapter and posted as I got them done.
          	To read the complete version, you can view the entire thing (for free, without an account,) on my Ream page:
          	(I'll also be distributing an ebook version eventually, but I need to set up a platform for that.)
          	As a reminder, I'm also still running a Kickstarter for the Audiobook adaptation! There's just five days to go, so if you want to help us hit our stretch goal and claim your copy of the book, (and help support future projects like this,) please consider donating! It's just 15$ for a copy, the same that you'd pay for an Audiobook on Audible or other major platforms.


The Baby Bet is complete!
          It's been edited, polished, had continuity errors and foreshadowing patched and repaired, and generally had the whole narrative gussied up. 
          For the sake of posterity and for anyone who wants to compare, I'm leaving the 'original' version up, which was written chapter-by-chapter and posted as I got them done.
          To read the complete version, you can view the entire thing (for free, without an account,) on my Ream page:

          (I'll also be distributing an ebook version eventually, but I need to set up a platform for that.)
          As a reminder, I'm also still running a Kickstarter for the Audiobook adaptation! There's just five days to go, so if you want to help us hit our stretch goal and claim your copy of the book, (and help support future projects like this,) please consider donating! It's just 15$ for a copy, the same that you'd pay for an Audiobook on Audible or other major platforms.


Another story of mine has been removed from Wattpad. 
          If you like my content and want to continue reading it, I strongly suggest you follow me somewhere else. I have created a complete story archive in my Discord server, and you can also find my work at several public and subscription-based platforms. 
          Discord archive/server:
          Other links:


@DBwriter2023 I've begun posting to A03, but it's not my primary page mostly because they don't allow links to certain sites like Ream, and writing is a professional thing for me - I depend on the income I get from my stories, so being unable to link to my paid platforms and book sales is a pretty big downside.


Wattpad is changing their rules and how they enforce stories with ABDL content, and it's likely that any or all of my stories could be removed at any time. I'll continue posting here, for now, but I could be gone at any point.
          If you want to continue reading my work, please consider following me on Ream, (you can do so for free and get access to stuff once it's public,) Twitter, or DeviantArt. 


Also - Since posting this, one of my stories was removed.


@Dope_or_Nope_fan Let me clarify - they haven't changed their ToS, when I said that I just meant that they're changing how they deal with ABDL content. Their rules are written so that they have carte blanche to delete whatever they want and there's nothing I can really do about it.


@PeculiarChangeling This is really getting out of hand
            It's really sad, that yet again, ABDL content is being targeted. If the characters are adults, and they only interact with adults, it really shouldn't matter what they are doing, in the context of artistic works.
            If works depicting r*p*, murder, abduction, and any other kink or fantasy is allowed then so should ABDL content.
            At this point any ABDL content creators should have their own website, though it can be costly to operate.


I'm adapting one of my novels into an audiobook! 
          "The Baby Bet" is being crowdfunded, and it's gonna be given the full-on audio treatment! How cool is that?
          Backers get the audiobook early - we need about 50 people to pledge to get our minimum funding, and if we go over we'll be doing some extra projects too!


Patreon nuked my account and I'm left scrambling to try and make up the lost income and rebuild my audience from scratch.
          I've set up a new page on a service called Ream, which is ABDL-friendly and fiction-focused. I'd be incredibly grateful if you'd go over there to subscribe, especially if you were previously subscribed on Patreon.


this message may be offensive
After two years, "The Baby Bet" is finally finished.
          But it's not done just yet. This is the final chapter, but now begins the editing process - I'm going to go back through every chapter, make changes for continuity, foreshadowing, typo mistakes, and general polish, and then, when it's all said and done, I'll be posting this as a proper, complete ebook. (And, of course, the characters will be coming back in my next book!) 
          In the meantime, I want to say thank you so much holy shit to everyone who's read along with this piece. Two years of work and a whole lot of sweat and (other bodily fluids) went into making this, and it wouldn't be here without all of you to read it.
          In particular, I want to thank my editor, Ezi, who came onboard partway through and I think can easily be credited with a marked upgrade in quality in the chapters after her arrival, and all of my subscribers and supporters who kept me financially solvent while writing this so I could give it the time and attention it needed.
          I'm so grateful that I can dedicate myself to writing as much as I can thanks to all of you. ❤️



I had to ask since your characters and a bit of the narrative of roomates misfits and the diaper reminds me of a story that I have been looking for a long time about a girl with a sad past, who moves into a house thanks to a strange old woman who drives the characters and their fates in a strange way. The girl was inmature and wore diapers and fell in love with one of the roomates who took care of her along with another girl. There was also a boy like Brain who lived in the basement but was very tender with her .She needed love and support and found a family on them.Sorry My English sucks


@valloveonedirection I don't think I've heard of that story, but it sounds really nice! 
            Placing my cards on the table a little bit, the cast of the Baby Bet were overtly inspired by the Breakfast Club, and thinking about what it would be like if they remained as friends into adulthood. (It's not a perfect 1:1 comparison, but I think some obvious parallels are there!)


The characters of baby bet look a Lot like this story ,thats what i meant