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Wooow I just re- downloaded Wattpad and Holy shit everything is so different! Any suggestions on new books? I just came from AO3 to check how it’s going here. Nice to be back!


I just remembered something: Fury's plan was to call Captain Marvel and her super plan bring Tony back. Then the bitch got canceled till the last few minutes of the film...good job Fury XD love the man so much


Hello! So I've got some news...
          The New Jedi order probably won't be continued, the reason is that it's basically just rewriting the original comics story that I started to better my overall knowledge so it might be continued some day...
          The Spider Paradox is on hold rn, but WILL BE CONTINUED
          Wonderland is writing 
          Incorrect SW quotes will be updated regularly
          A new SW one shots book coming soon as well as a Marvel fanfic.


Hii! How are ya? Sorry, I wasn't active much, but I tried to stay off the social media and just collect myself. So I need to catch up . Anyways, a new chapter should be coming for every one of my unfinished books soon, as well as a new book maybe (??). Anyway, have a great weekend.