
What if you don't want oblivion? What if you don't want to spend forever.... What if after you died you just wanted nothing...? Sometimes I don't want to spend forever being happy. I just want to stop. Feeling happy, feeling sad, feeling defensive, feeling exhilarated, feel puke-y. I want to stop everything and do nothing for a few days. Not have to worry about anything or about anyone.


On your bio it says something about pizza. Was the original quote "Always be yourself. Unless you can be Batman, then always be Batman."? 
          Sorry to bother you, but i was wondering


Yes that's the original quote but my friend is batman so I can't be plus I like pizza way too much :)


What if you don't want oblivion? What if you don't want to spend forever.... What if after you died you just wanted nothing...? Sometimes I don't want to spend forever being happy. I just want to stop. Feeling happy, feeling sad, feeling defensive, feeling exhilarated, feel puke-y. I want to stop everything and do nothing for a few days. Not have to worry about anything or about anyone.


Hello (: I was wondering if you could spare some time to read one or some of my works. I am always looking for constructed criticism in the form of comments and/or votes (:


Another comment real quick, could you check out my story??


Yeah, I would love to! 