
Overcome update coming out within the next hour!


hey guys! I've finally done it and finished university! As I am taking at least the summer off to enjoy myself I will definitely have more time for updates! It's so weird not having any assignments or anything anymore, but ya girl earned two degrees and will probably go to graduate school next year anyway lol


Hello once again,
          I have seriously underestimated how stressful and busy my last semester of college would be. Honestly at this point in time I think the next chapter for Silence or Overcome will probs be out mid May? I have 3 separate 25-30 page papers due and writing for fun on top of that does not seem feasible  I will maybe have a chapter out before then but do not keep ur hopes up. I apologize but I need these degrees 


          I was hoping to have a Valentine’s Day special out for Lifeguards but unfortunately my laptop decided to die on me and I have not been able to recover it ;( so we will shoot for an end of the month special chapter that has nothing to do with Valentines Day! 


Hi guys! 
          Lifeguards is #1 in the Drarry AU tag! We’ve also hit 123k reads. I’ve been thinking and I was wondering if you guys would like a special extra chapter for Lifeguards. It would be released sometime in February but just wanted to throw that out there and see if anyone was interested ! 


@ Patrick11Stump Well done ! And that would be amazing !!


@Patrick11Stump congratulations, and yes that would be Fanbloodytastic


          My 22nd birthday is tomorrow and it is currently about 1:30 am time does not exist to me. That is not important what I mean to say is that just means finals week is next week (it’s always the week after my bday ) SO after that we will have 3 weeks of down time so I can finally get some chapters written! I have spent the last 12 hours writing finals papers and am dead but after these two weeks of chaos I hope you are ready to get mega updates. 


@ Patrick11Stump  Happy Birthday ! 


          I promise i will hopefully one day have a good updating schedule. I have been so woefully unmotivated to write at the moment so I don’t think it would be fair to myself or you guys the readers to put out something that I don’t feel great about. So that being said the stories might go on a slight hiatus (not rly just until I actually feel like I can put out a good story), but not for long as I hopefully will get some motivation again! 
          Thanks for understanding