
This guy is donatin money just to broadcast that he's going to end his life to 2500+ people.
          	And like, yeah, i feel the dude cuz I wanna kill myself from time to time. But if yer gonna broadcast to 2500+ people yer gonna do it is just a call for attention, tbh. 
          	Hell my closest friends half the time dont even know when I've contemplated my life cuz it's my life and my issue. I know that it wouldnt be worth it to bother someone else with a thought or fleetin idea of ending myself when I know it'll pass. 
          	Now, i know it aint the same for everyone but like, if yer havin thoughts of it, go to someone or write down yer feelings. It helps. It seriously helps. 
          	Call for help, or text someone. It's not worth it to end over somethin thats momentary an wont last


Deep down inside I'm glad your gone, you've caused me unrelenting pain and never stuck up for it.. You've always blamed something instead of your self... You never listen... Never think.. I'm glad I'm not in jail from the stunt you pulled but you went to far even for my tastes.... I hope you realize that


@-Thorned- why haven't you been eating? 


@X-Shawn-X i havent been. And i dont forgive you.


This guy is donatin money just to broadcast that he's going to end his life to 2500+ people.
          And like, yeah, i feel the dude cuz I wanna kill myself from time to time. But if yer gonna broadcast to 2500+ people yer gonna do it is just a call for attention, tbh. 
          Hell my closest friends half the time dont even know when I've contemplated my life cuz it's my life and my issue. I know that it wouldnt be worth it to bother someone else with a thought or fleetin idea of ending myself when I know it'll pass. 
          Now, i know it aint the same for everyone but like, if yer havin thoughts of it, go to someone or write down yer feelings. It helps. It seriously helps. 
          Call for help, or text someone. It's not worth it to end over somethin thats momentary an wont last


Y'all.  Go subscribe to Kevin Spaans on YouTube for yer daily/weekly english lessons.


            Well he teaches english


@PastelBratBoy wait...his name is Kevin Spaans??? And he gives English???? B-but spaans means spanish in Dutch *pouts*