
this message may be offensive
No one didn't tell me that High School DxD got a season 5, now I'm tempted to watch that shit all over again


I had a lateral life endangering experience. I was leaning how to ride a moped, like a normal teenager, and when I was like pulling out of my driveway, I revved it up so hard that I froze and crashed into a tree. (Not my brightest moment) and since the adrenaline still isn't coming down yet, with my shaky hands I've decided to try it again.
          Oh, and I'm fine, i hit my chest, wrist, foot, and leg, but all of them are minor and I feel fine for the most part.
          Anyways, I hope you all have a great/night, and don't be like me, be smarter.


@Pan-Somnia I was opening a can or something since I didn't feel like making anything. It split open my finger, I almost blacked out and almost died from blood loss. Didn't stop me from opening more cans again.


You're not fine, if that happened to me I would've just did


you know when you're just chatting it up with a friend on discord and they asked why you like women, then they go on a rant on bible verses, children, and the fact that you would be more happy with a man than another women?
          anyways, how have your summers been treating you guys?


Going to update at the end of the day tomorrow, I'm out of school early so that's that and I'm going to be a senior next year.
          Anyways, I have been writing, not my stories tho (Sorry) but another new story. Just a lil life update, have an amazing day/night/afternoon, drink water, eat something, and create some legal evil.


My powers out at the moment, a huge storm just flew past my town and took down poles and trees, and made some holes. Hopefully the power comes back on cause imma update on Friday


@Anonnnn_TOKYOO erm I hope so, I have hayfever, I have two tests to do along with a presentation tomorrow, and I have been having violent lactose intolerant cramps.


no one told me having an hangover would be this bad...
          anyways, all of the chapters that I wanted to write is all ready, I just have to get through two more weeks of school before it is summer vacation. I'm going to update at the last day of school for me is what I'm saying


Planning on uploading at the end of May of next month. And since that is the last month I have of school I believe that updates should be more stable than they were this time around. Don't exactly know how many are going to have chapters or not, but there is one or two that is going to have more than the others.
          Thanks for your patience with me