
Guys... Teach Me to Live is #521 for Historical Fiction... I'm thrilled- I really am! Thank you all so much for being loyal and amazing!
          	Liz xx


Heyo! :) i didn't want to like ask you know, but I saw your story and thought it sounded pretty cool. I was wondering if you could check out my book? "She's Sure" and let me know if it's any good at all? I'm needing some input


I got back from Paris last week, and I'm back with my lovely laptop! Tom I love you so... (yes, Tom's my laptop's name...)
          I'm sorry for not uploading, but I've been writing some fanfiction. And, tomorrow, FMA: Brotherhood Vol. 4 should be reaching me, so there goes my life! I will update before August. Preferably before July is over.
          And is it just me, or is everyone taking massive long breaks at the moment...?


@Pamplemousse At least you didn't have to endure the torture named Jedward. Their hair... oh the shame! I actually only remember watching Eurovision when that dude who sung fairy tale was on. I'm sorry for your loss, hope all goes well next year and there will be less getting stuck in cars and more watching reasonably good singers whilst listening to Graham Norton's voice in the background. 
          The joys of Eurovision.


I don't know if any of you have noticed, but Life of a Swan is gone. And this is because it's not going anywhere, and it probably never will. It was badly written, and didn't really flow, so I've decided it's best to end it. Sorry to anyone who liked it... :'(


I'm so, so sorry! I haven't uploaded Life of a Swan since February... and Teach Me to Live since March... Ugh. And, the worst thing is, I've just had two weeks of doing absolutely nothing which I could've used for writing. For once, I have no excuses.
          However, Life of a Swan IS in the process of being written. Teach Me to Live is slowly coming together in my head. @diggy_dani_daf should be getting annoyed enough with my constant pestering to upload her own story, so stuff is happening. Slowly.
          Aside from that... a load of really cool people have been messaging me, so keep it up, it makes me smile!
          Ta ta!
          Liz xx