
          	All the Things....
          	To think that pieces of me are everywhere is both beautiful and haunting. It’s like leaving tiny bits of my soul across the universe, spreading parts of myself in moments and memories that have shaped me.
          	I hope my friend from school still reads books as much as we did back then, finding the same escape and comfort in those stories. I think of my grandmother every time I bake pastries. Even in the way I hold a cup of milk, I feel her warmth in heaven, her gentle hands guiding mine. 
          	I hear my Mother in the hum I make to myself while cleaning, a habit I picked up from her without even realizing it. 
          	I leave pieces of me in the Books I’ve spent nights crying over the pages stained with tears that reflect my own heartache and hope. The orange color of the sun and how it sets are filled with memories that weave my life. I found pieces of me in my favorite coffee, in the breathtaking views of the mountains, in the ocean, in the smell of the rain, in the poetry I wrote at 3 am, and in the moon and stars at night — everything I’ve loved.
          	Sometimes, I wonder if there’s enough of me left after leaving so much behind, like we’re missing something. We give away pieces of ourselves in moments of joy, sorrow, love, never quite realizing how much we’re giving away until we feel the void.
          	The emptiness inside us is filled with the essence of the places we’ve been and the people we’ve loved. It’s a bittersweet kind of wholeness, that defines us. 
          	So, when I feel empty, I remind myself that I am everywhere. I am in the sunsets, the books I’ve read. I am in the whispers of the past and the echoes of the future.
          	Perhaps that’s the beauty of it all. We leave parts of ourselves in the things we love. I am a mosaic of every place, every person, every moment that has touched my life. And though I may feel empty at times, I know that those pieces are not lost — they are simply out there, living in the world, just as I am.


          All the Things....
          To think that pieces of me are everywhere is both beautiful and haunting. It’s like leaving tiny bits of my soul across the universe, spreading parts of myself in moments and memories that have shaped me.
          I hope my friend from school still reads books as much as we did back then, finding the same escape and comfort in those stories. I think of my grandmother every time I bake pastries. Even in the way I hold a cup of milk, I feel her warmth in heaven, her gentle hands guiding mine. 
          I hear my Mother in the hum I make to myself while cleaning, a habit I picked up from her without even realizing it. 
          I leave pieces of me in the Books I’ve spent nights crying over the pages stained with tears that reflect my own heartache and hope. The orange color of the sun and how it sets are filled with memories that weave my life. I found pieces of me in my favorite coffee, in the breathtaking views of the mountains, in the ocean, in the smell of the rain, in the poetry I wrote at 3 am, and in the moon and stars at night — everything I’ve loved.
          Sometimes, I wonder if there’s enough of me left after leaving so much behind, like we’re missing something. We give away pieces of ourselves in moments of joy, sorrow, love, never quite realizing how much we’re giving away until we feel the void.
          The emptiness inside us is filled with the essence of the places we’ve been and the people we’ve loved. It’s a bittersweet kind of wholeness, that defines us. 
          So, when I feel empty, I remind myself that I am everywhere. I am in the sunsets, the books I’ve read. I am in the whispers of the past and the echoes of the future.
          Perhaps that’s the beauty of it all. We leave parts of ourselves in the things we love. I am a mosaic of every place, every person, every moment that has touched my life. And though I may feel empty at times, I know that those pieces are not lost — they are simply out there, living in the world, just as I am.


          No worries dear. 
          I can understand exactly your emotions.
          Sometimes, we come across certain people who have gone through similar situations.
          In my case, maybe it's because I observe life very intricately, which is why my words have resonated with you!
          I am glad if they have been of any help to you in anyway.
          Always feel free to share your thoughts.
          It makes me immeasurably happy. :-))
          ♥️ ♥️ 


          I said, while Working on my booK --
          "Someone has to Die."
          Jenny asked with furrowed brows, "But Why ? Why do you have to Kill someone in your Book? Can't they all have a Happy Ending?"
          She was clearly uncomfortable with my idea.
          I smiled.
          "Someone has to Die. Because only then others should Value their Life-- Jenny.
          Someone must Die, so that others could follow the Light left behind by that Person..."
          Jenny stared at me with pained eyes, for she knew, I wasn't just weaving a Story. 
          But WRITING my Own EnD.
          ---- Isa


@Paint-me-Black Everyone has to die.. and everyone dies.. may be not all at the same time. And to leave a light behind? That light is laced with pain as sharp as daggers.. you don’t just leave your light behind, you leave your pain behind as well, for others to soak in it and suffer! But by then, you will be too long gone to see it.


          "No matter how much YOU try,
          You Cannot Find Peace by Avoiding LIFE .... "
          --- Isa


            Very very True my dear ♥️♥️


@Paint-me-Black You can have peace alongside life if you come to terms with pain and just let it all go


          Thank you so much to all of you for your Wishes.
          With wonderful Readers like you, I believe I am still able to do what I do, which is WRITE!!
          Love YOU ♥️
          -- Isa


          What A PoeT Wants! ( a Short Poem) 
          Everyone failed to see the colors of my words;
          they were always red, deep Crimson Red,
          like Blood.
          A blood that I kept splashing throughout my life on Paper,
          yet no eye that read those words could meet the pain behind.
          What does the Poet ultimately want in life?
          To be Read, to be Understood —
          If not by masses, then at least by just One.
          But Poets have hard luck; they are a different kind of breed.
          Their work is only read after Death takes over their life.
          But I am different: I am not that Poet —
          who will let you Uncover what I write after I die.
          If you failed to read me in my Life,
          You don’t deserve to read Me after I die.
          I will put my Poems on Fire and let my Emotions Burn before my Eyes.
          I am not a Weak Poet.
          I want you to Engrave on my Gravestone:
          “Here lies the Poet who took her stories with her to the grave,
          A keeper of flames that fiercely guarded her fire,
          never allowing it to dim into the cold, forgotten ashes of her afterlife.”
          I am a firm believer that if you were not with me in my life when I needed you the most, don’t cry when I die. If you weren’t with me in my sad times, you don’t deserve to be with me in my moments of joy.
          --- Isa


@Paint-me-Black Isa, what I perceive here is more pain rather than a poem, why? To me, this feels like an imaginary journal filled with unspoken words, written in tears, stained with blood, laced with emotions and locked away deep inside the heart — never to be found, unknown to the world, unsent to anyone, unheard by those meant to hear it, never understood even by those who attempt to read it. A true mystery that never wishes to be deciphered, sorrows so vivid they defy fading away with time.


@Paint-me-Black  I'm not trying to be disrespectful...or maybe I should say I'm worried when you post things like this. It makes me think what is going on in your life such that you'd think this way. If anything's ever not okay, I trust that you will not keep it to yourself okay? It's kind should be the right word, to imagine what could be going on in your life, and what consequences that could bring about. If everything's alright, then I'd say I really enjoyed this poem! Take care Isa❤️


            Oh dear!!
            That's a huge compliment I don't know if I deserve!
            But thank you ♥️
            And all of you inspire me in return to try and give my best. :-))
            Thank you for your Love and Support. I too love meeting new people /Readers and Authors here.
            It's a Privilege!!
            God bless you ♥️
            May you shine the brightest & Achieve your Dreams. Amen!! ❤️ 


          Hello guys,
          Just wanted to notify you why there is no update yet.
          I was preparing to post an update today. 
          But unfortunately, 
          Actually my operated place got infected and is bleeding.
          Hence I am in a bit of pain as you can imagine. So typing the update is difficult for me.
          But as soon as this thing is sorted, I'll be back!
          Till then enjoy my works and Poems ( if you like).
          Take care ♥️
          I love you all ❤️
          --- Yours Isa


Thank you so much to all of you for your Wishes.
            With wonderful Readers like you, I believe I am still able to do what I do which is WRITE!!


            Thank you so much ❤️
            I am overwhelmed with the LOVE you all shower me with!
            Sometimes I wonder if even I deserve it.
            I suppose I am so emotional right now, reading all of your well wishes!
            Love you ♥️ ♥️ ♥️ ♥️ 


            My sweetie hugs**
            I will be healthy and return soon.
            You too take care ♥️ ♥️ 


          I am the Skeleton Leaf! 
          We used to search the autumn ground
          for skeleton-like leaves,
          fascinated that flesh could be
          hollowed out so precisely.
          I wanted to be a lacy plant,
          a perfectly pristine
          doily, dining with queens, blushing my
          non-existent cheeks--
          With burnt sienna veins, bloodless and dry,
          Pay it no mind, i don’t
          need a color, my identity doesn’t have to
          be anything but mine.
          Gradually, every bit of body, carved away,
          to leave a structure,
          missing everything but walls, a fragile paper,
          easily destroyed.
          I am the skeleton leaf, sought after,
          stepped on daily,
          unnoticed until you seek it, 
          until you want it, 
          forgotten when it crumbles in your hands.


@_purple_rainbow I can't say for sure what I'd do, life's a mystery. I do hope that I would find the strength to overcome it and grow from it, there is always a way out, the only thing that can not be avoided is, death. For it is the ending of a process, not a moment. Any pit that is not death, that is not the end, may be dark and scary, but if I keep trying, I will get out of it one day.


@Lolcloud987 What if…you have no choice but to succumb against your will and surrender to fate when life hits you with its cruelest of blows at your harshest of times?


@Paint-me-Black  What if...I don't want it to crumble? (This was the first thought that came into my mind, so I figured I might as well say it.)


          I watched as Ruben embraced Julia from behind as she did the dishes, reaching his arm around to pull a stray curl from her eyes so that she wouldn't need to use her wet, gloved hands.
          Then later, the way they alternate dipping their spoons into the shared tub of ice cream as the opening credits of a movie flickered against their faces.
          I thrived on their intimate bond - - A love that was implied rather than declared - - - as if it belonged to me.
          Gradually, the longing in my chest began to subside.
          I felt happy. 
          What if I am lonely, 
          At least Someone has Somebody!


          Find Your Happiness! 
          Scale the heights, reach for the sky,
          Burns ambition’s flame around you,
          But pause to enjoy life’s simple bliss,
          For the essence of the voyage, you must not miss.
          Aim higher, expand the frontiers,
          Exploit the potentialities within you,
          However, you must also learn to live,
          Because that is where happiness begins.
          Climb mountains, conquer every peak,
          Face those challenges that make you mature
          And yet, take time off to inhale deeply; feel and see
          After all, you have to know the beauty around it all.
          Dare to dream; let your imagination fly free
          Envision yourself leaving a legacy behind
          And yet, remember not to hasten through the rewards of your journey,
          Let your soul find its own sparkle of light.
          True wisdom lies in this delicate balance between two extremes,
          Live for now, but do not forget tomorrow is coming too soon,
          In choosing such moments wisely
          Gather together each step on the path toward greatness.
          Thank you ❤️


            I am glad to be of help dear.
            And you are always most Welcome ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ 


            Love you too sweetie ❤️❤️
            I am glad, if my words did help you in any way!


Yesterday something happened to me and I questioned my entire life all at once.. I don’t know what to say after reading this.. it is both consoling and motivating at the same time, something which I need right now.. I really thank you for this :)