
An explanation for me not publishing- So in order to gain access to a computer I need to wait til school starts. Which won’t be for a while so that’s pretty much it. I guess I’m going on hiatus til then. 


So I know it’s been forever since I’ve posted anything and I’m sorry, but if you can wait til at least this Saturday I should be able to have a consistent posting schedule. I already have about 4 fanfics in progress I just need to finish them. If anyone had any easy prompt ideas I might be able to a couple of maybe 1000 word ones in before Saturday but if not you’ll have to wait.


So I guess I have to figure out how to do a tag so...I’ll just copy Madtown. 
          1) Write the rules
          2)Metion who tagged you
          3)Do it in less than 3 days
          4) Wrote 10 things about yourself
          5)Tag 28 users
          6)Tell a really cool pickup line 
          7) Kidding
          8)Tell a joke
          9) Write a spoiler for one of your stories.
          Like I said I’m copying madtown so I will answer the questions in the comments.


1) Complete 
            2) @MadTown523
            3) Complete 
                   a. I’ve memorized 25 digits of pi
                   b. I’m 14
                   c. My favorite book is the Outsiders by S.E Hiton 
                    d. I may or may not be a serial killer
                    e.I once cut myself with a butter knife and still have a scar
                    f. My favorite song is Hurricane by Jeremy Jordan
                    g. I’m amazing at puns (right madtown?)
                     h. I have a birthmark in my eye
                      I. My name means iris in Japanese 
                      j.  I sprang 10 minutes on this list trying to think of things about myself
            5) (whoever thought 28 was a good number I’m mad at you. This was hecking difficult) @the_autistic_goddess @defender260 @msslytherclaw @xX_dragoncry_Xx @Savitarbarry02 @Smythe-allen @rubydrago101 @oupster @Virgils_parinoia @Starl1ght_02 @Demonix_Echo_16 @pessmistic_2 @anxious_stoner @Liamncnaught @teenidle2113 @lani468 @glee8327 @delain3y @haleycook454 @kendallbonnette @ifeellikeiamamidget @madtown213 @whovian569 @zana_zoola14 @thepotatowhowrites @moosebun (I have no idea who half these people are)
            6. (Pulls out gun) get in my car or I’ll kill you. (Later at a restaurant) “so do you like the flash?” (Everytime they try to leave threaten them with death)
            7. You say that like it would stop me
            8. Tell a joke what? And on that note who names there child A Joke? It seems cruel
            9. (Lost in time) Barry gets stuck in Jonestown in South America. He has 3 days to save someone’s life before the mass suicide occurs.


So you know how I said I would be writing with a schedule scratch that. I do not work well with a schedule apparently so I’ll just write when I want to. Some days it might be 5 chapters, and others it will be none. So have fun with my chaos.


So I finally got back into writing, and will be trying to post on chapter in my books each day. The books that I will be updating are Flashy one-shots, Avenger meet arrowverse , and lost in time. I have decided to cancel my SVU, and that’s pretty much it. On another note I will be taking a page out of MadTown’s book, and let you pick my next one shot via titles so choose please?
          1. Barry the Ripper
          2. Pretender
          3.You ain’t never has a friend like-Ahhhh
          4.Life- No one makes it out alive 
          5.One last day
          6. 10 minutes
          7. This hell is my heaven 
          8.Blood and Betrayal 
          9. Reality is an illusion
          10. Mr. Wanna die 


I've become desperate there is an essay I need to complete. I need an answer to the following question. In an argumentative essay, would counterclaim mean that if I said I hate Iris west as the first claim, and then said the opposite as the second claim. If so is a rebuttal a contradiction of the second claim