New chapter for Lord of the Mysteries is out. Hope you all enjoy it 


Hey Mav, you been doing good while I was gone?


@Grooviest_Emperor I'm not saying you didn't talk to me, it's just I noticed that you and Melon seemed to have hit it better than with others.
            By the way, can you tell me about some of your new ideas?


@PL0TM4V3R1CK I tried to talk with everyone I could man :(
            But yeah, I’ve had a bunch of ideas for stories and I’ve felt like I’ve been able to articulate myself better. If I start writing anytime soon I’m gonna start by writing short stories no longer than 3-5 chapters to not burn myself out and feel like I got something done


@Grooviest_Emperor Been kinda weird without ya. Not that we spoke that much, now that I think about it. Melon and you usually talked a lot a lot more, from what I remember. By the way, you said that the creative side of your brain has been working more--mind elaborating?


Officially finished school. Find myself feeling both happy and sad about the fact. But hey, that's life. Anyway, will drop something on this week or the next one, but starting Tuesday, won't probably have the time to write as much as I can. But after the 18th, will more than likely go into overdrive. 