
Just pulled an all nighter!!! >XD FNAF ahhh move


Hiiii!!! Been a minute since I’ve posted anything here! But I’ve just not had the motivation to write- and also- I’m currently getting to what hopefully will become a more interacted with book because I’ve been OBSESSED with it- and I yearn for a fandom . It’s called Bloodmoon- I know I sorta started writing it before but that was when it just broke away from being a FNAF AU and was about the past. I just want everybody here- new visitors to my account and long-time followers- to know I plan to try and stay active here every now and then. I see all the attention my Rinku fic (ALSO MY FIRST FIC) is getting- so I hope that might build attention to the story when I get to writing it. If you guys want, I can post character profiles and all that stuff for engagement! Some fun facts maybe, as well? Let me know!


Alrighty- so summer is already almost over  I’m deciding to keep Bloodmoon in my drafts, as the story will start WAY later on. In the meantime, I’ll try my best to start releasing a character encyclopedia- and hope my notes app can keep up with all my things I have for the story. I’m slowly piecing together a plot and stuff like that, so it shouldn’t be too long till I have something together and I can start a rough draft! I’m hoping to make this somewhat big- because I’m now fixating on it despite me being the only person who knows about it rlly- but even just a small group of people who read it and enjoy it would be nice! Love u all, bye!!!


          I uh- I think I might just try writing Bloodmoon in it’s more- idk- present time? I will finish what I’ve already started but prob after I at least get character descriptions out- like- I don’t have a plot nor a protagonist yet, and I want this to gain some sort of attention- even just from friends, but I wanna make this something full-fledged. So- I think in the meantime- I’ll try working on an encyclopedia sort of thing while I come up with a base plot for Bloodmoon!


Hi hi readers! So guess what? My school year is almost over! so I’ll have MUCH more time to write! I wanted to say two things- first- to the person who asked me to write the Triple Baka squad AU (i forgot ur user- im so sorry-)- I have not forgotten it! Merely- I’m saving it for summer! So don’t worry- I won’t ditch the project- I just am waiting to get out of school! Secondly- I wanted to ask my readers about Bloodmoon- how do you guys like it? I really do wish I’d get more interaction on the story but- I understand that removing the #FNAFAU tag would make it harder to reach readers . But ultimately, I’m trying my hardest to write more and advertise on Tiktok (I don’t get any interactions there either but- eh- it is what it is). But I would really appreciate feedback! Thank u! Love every single one of you!


*squealing, kicking my feet, blushing, giggling in happy author*


@Otakuwolf608 I was the one who mentioned the Triple Baka x Captain EO thing, and it's okay if you forgot my user! AND I LOVE BLOODMOOOOOOOON


Anyone here have any ideas for making Bloodmoon more popular? I’m gonna be fr it’s rlly just an Original story at this point- I’m tearing it from FNAF a lot and none of the elements are the same anymore so- I dunno if that’ll get me more readers or not-  but again- is there a way I can maybe get more readers? I can advertise on my TikTok- but that’s all I can think of rn- help plz


Oh gosh-! I’m sorry I forgot all about that! School has been kicking me in the ass and I haven’t had much time in between to write- I’m really sorry! I’m definitely gonna put that off till summer- but if u wouldn’t mind could you remind me on like- May 15th?


@Otakuwolf608 idk sorry :( but while I'm on Wattpad, how's the Triple Baka x Captain EO thing going on? If you haven't started on it yet, I'll understand because you might be busy.