
It is finally up!
          	My Royal Knight has finally entered the chat and the Prologue and Chapter 1 have been posted!
          	I've been struggling through the plot a bit, but I am doing my best to make it better. Time and effort can only tell. 
          	I won't be doing consistent posts and would be similar to that of the first book. Unfortunately, I did not realize how difficult it could be to balance uni, work, and home all in one go. Usually, I'm pretty good at it, but life seems to hate me this year and is throwing me some extra lemons. But I will do my best to come on here and update as much as possible, but don't get your hopes up too high because I do not wish to disappoint you all. 
          	Thank you for being patient with me from the beginning up to now. I hope we can continue to get to know each other and I wish you all happiness and health during these times.


It is finally up!
          My Royal Knight has finally entered the chat and the Prologue and Chapter 1 have been posted!
          I've been struggling through the plot a bit, but I am doing my best to make it better. Time and effort can only tell. 
          I won't be doing consistent posts and would be similar to that of the first book. Unfortunately, I did not realize how difficult it could be to balance uni, work, and home all in one go. Usually, I'm pretty good at it, but life seems to hate me this year and is throwing me some extra lemons. But I will do my best to come on here and update as much as possible, but don't get your hopes up too high because I do not wish to disappoint you all. 
          Thank you for being patient with me from the beginning up to now. I hope we can continue to get to know each other and I wish you all happiness and health during these times.


Good morning everyone! 
          I will be posting the first chapter of My Royal Knight sometime between February and April due to some complicated circumstances on my end. Please look forward to Alice and Niall's story and the continuum of Camilla and Blake's relationship! :D


@AdannaUkanwoke yes I also think the same. It’s better to have two different stories 


If blake and camilla story is mixed with alice and niall's one of the pairs will be in the shadows and it wont be nice


I'm soo broken hearted  I was not expecting the twist at the end.
          I want to know what is going to happen next in their relationship or is that the end⁉️⁉️


@Eizzy_queen -- Don't worry! Camilla and Blake's story will continue into my second book, My Royal Knight. The first Royal couple is going through this trial of doubt, but there is always a light at the end of the tunnel! :)


Hello Hello!
          It has finally ended! The first book of the Royals Series has been completed! This book has a total of 40 chapters and has finally ended after a year (or is it two ). I thank you all for sticking together with me from the start to finish and I hope you are looking forward to my next Royal book for Alice and Niall. My Royal Knight will come out between January and February, so I hope to see you all then! I have some questions posted in my last chapter of Your Royal Highness and I would really appreciate it if you guys can answer one or two questions for me to get a feel as to what I need to improve on. I hope you enjoyed reading about Camilla and Blake, who you will see in Alice and Niall's story here and there, and I hope to see you in my next upcoming story, My Royal Knight! I love you all! 


@Bryles4ever2019 -- I will be posting sometime between February and April. :)


@Bryles4ever2019 -- I am currently plotting my second book on how I want to continue it. I did say at the end of my first book, Your Royal Highness, but I might be needing more time to sort this out due to some things occuring on my end. I do plan to post the beginning as soon as I can, so please look forward to that sometime between February and April! :)


@OrangeCarnation  hi when will you be publishing the next book


Hello everyone! (whoever reads this message)
          I hope everyone is doing great because I know I am! 
          You know why?
          It's because I just finished transferring all of my work from the old account onto this one! (Yay!)
          I just updated another chapter since I've kept you all waiting long enough for another update. I'm now working on the next chapter, so look forward to that. 
          I'll be back soon with another chapter, so please comment, vote, and share! 
          I also hope to see all of my old readers from my old account, because even though there was this thing going on with my old account, I hope I see you all again. 
          Well, I'll stop chit-chatting and just let you go on and enjoy your day. I hope you check out my book "Your Royal Highness" because now it is back up! 
          Love you all and stay safe!