
Hello everyone. How are you doing? Enjoy my new piece which was random at first but someone liked it. So I decided to put it in here. Hope you guys enjoy it too. Lot's of love. 
          	I just published "Oh, You! " of my story "The Red Rose ".


Hello everyone. How are you doing? Enjoy my new piece which was random at first but someone liked it. So I decided to put it in here. Hope you guys enjoy it too. Lot's of love. 
          I just published "Oh, You! " of my story "The Red Rose ".


Hello everyone, I submitted my poetry book for Wattpad Awards. Can you take some time to look at those lines? I would be glad if those are of your fondness. Plz, comment if you like or don't like something. Your point of view is the one that is vital to me. If you like it, then help me spread it more. Thank you for your precious time.


Why are your works so underrated? I don't get it, people should know about u more.


@Allter_V ❤❤You will, trust yourself.


@Allter_V They are sleeping on me. Thank you for your sweet support. I hope I can write better for my readers. 


“Life is like a book. Some chapters are sad, some of them are happy and some of them are exciting. But, If you never turn the page, you will never know what the next chapter has in store for you”
          ΔHello! Thea_Virlix here. I wrote this to remind you that Life is full of mystery. It was full of happiness and It's also full of sadness to the point that you just wanna quit. Hey! Life is Life. Just live with it no matter hard it is. You wanna know why? Because someday, You'll be proud at yourself for being a good fighter and for being a strong person. Lovelotss!❤


"Be strong, because things will get better. It might be stormy now, but it can't rain forever.
          ▶Hello! @Thea_Virlix in your screen. I just want to tell you that what ever problems you'll face, you can go through with it. You wanna know why? Because you're strong. Stay strong and don't let your negative thoughts destroy you. Lovelotsss!❤


@Thea_Virlix  same to you sweety. May nature bless us with lot's of strength and positiveness. Thanx for encouraging me. 
            Stay blessed and focused, happy and healthy .