
Hey Oncers, I had a question. Would you rather like to see a fanfiction broken up into different books for each season of OUAT or would you rather see it all in one book? I have been trying to decide this for a long time but still not sure


@emmahookx Thank you for the help !
            That's kinda what I was thinking but then I was on the fence


Hi, just published my first few parts of a new story - Once Upon A Betrayal. It's my first story so it'd be incredible if someone would read it... don't be put off by the Captain Swan focus at the start, it's going to become more generalised as it progresses. Bringing more magic to my fellow Oncers!!


Hello to every once Upon a time fans in here! We all know how our favorite show is over But here's a chance to relive the magic! I'm thinking about creating a new book which will continue the series with Hope Jones-Swan as the main character! Whoever would like to help me write the book and revive the once's magic, send me a private message! 


I finished watching Once Upon a Time at the beginning of 2020! And I loved the show!My personal favorite character was Regina/The Evil Queen/Roni!!!! I'm planning on writing several books based off of Once Upon a Time!  Thank you Adam Horowitz and Eddy Kitsis for making Once Upon a Time! And thank you to all the AMAZING Actors and Actresses for making 7 Seasons of an AMAZING Show!
                        ❤- OUAT_EvilRegalQueen -❤