
Hey all,
          	Obviously I haven't been updating. College is a pain and it's hard trying to balance homework and writing - but I've been bit by the writing bug and wanted to find out if people were still interested in the completion of TTLW. 
          	Shoot me a quick message if this peaks your interest in any way - because if I see a few people actually still waiting for it it'll definitely get me to writing faster.
          	Thanks so much and hopefully talk to you soon,


Hey all,
          Obviously I haven't been updating. College is a pain and it's hard trying to balance homework and writing - but I've been bit by the writing bug and wanted to find out if people were still interested in the completion of TTLW. 
          Shoot me a quick message if this peaks your interest in any way - because if I see a few people actually still waiting for it it'll definitely get me to writing faster.
          Thanks so much and hopefully talk to you soon,


Hey guys! I'm so sorry I haven't posted in so long, finals and graduation literally ate up my time these past two months! 
          So, expect to see an update for TTLW soon (probably in a week or so) and a few one-shots! I will also probably be starting my next Hetalia AU college story, featuring either Dennor or FraMon (FrancexMonaco). Let me know which one I should publish first!
          Once again, thank you all so much for reading my stories! It means so much!! Love you all! <3


@Oh_srsly_mhm  PLEASE do a DenNor story!!! And I love TTLW so I'm really excited about those new updates.