
one game
          	i dont know why
          	i bought a pS5 with no games to buy
          	keep that in mind as they designed this drive to improve loading times
          	and that's all i know.
          	in console exclusives are key
          	watch it fly bye as it ports to PC.
          	Lose exclusives at the end of the gen
          	I have no games to play, it's so unfair
          	didn't look out below
          	throw my console right out the window
          	Try to hold on but I didn't even know
          	I wasted it all just to watch movies...
          	funi parady of it doesnt matter


@OfficialTDPCallum It starts with one thing, i don't know why.
          	  It doesn't even matter how hard you try
          	  Keep that in mind i designed this rhyme to explain in due time (All I knowwww)
          	  Yes i did this from memory


one game
          i dont know why
          i bought a pS5 with no games to buy
          keep that in mind as they designed this drive to improve loading times
          and that's all i know.
          in console exclusives are key
          watch it fly bye as it ports to PC.
          Lose exclusives at the end of the gen
          I have no games to play, it's so unfair
          didn't look out below
          throw my console right out the window
          Try to hold on but I didn't even know
          I wasted it all just to watch movies...
          funi parady of it doesnt matter


@OfficialTDPCallum It starts with one thing, i don't know why.
            It doesn't even matter how hard you try
            Keep that in mind i designed this rhyme to explain in due time (All I knowwww)
            Yes i did this from memory


what has better ships. the dragon prince, or wings of fire. personally the dragon prince is the best one to me. rayllum is ma life.


@RayllumSokeefeLumity YEAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


@OfficialTDPCallum As you can tell by my username, RAYLLUM IS AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


YOU! Yes, you! Lucky you! I would like you to join in on my project, you've been supporting me for a long time and I wish for you to nab this opportunity to join as writer! (if you want) 
          ,You may ask? Because I really want to kickstart this project as soon as possible while I still have the motivation--
          That and because I am desperate for this to actually work along with wanting to see how the product turns out :D
          (please note, this is a copy and paste text. I am too lazy to create different recruitment messages for each creator QwQ) 


@Claeyr hmmmm. well it just so happens that i am getting into writing (for dnd) and i think it would be lovely. if anything is needed and i cant respond then its bc im camping or at my dnd club. so yes. i would LOVE to help.


am i a bad person for hitting my brother and feeling no remorse? he started crying to.


@Dude98362 virgin brother caretakers: nooooooo. Chad brother wrestler:


@OfficialTDPCallum I did that three times in a week before. I felt ZERO remorse.


does anyone else have a book addiction? as in, staying up till 4 in the morning just to read


@OfficialTDPCallum im up all night and then i go to school


@OfficialTDPCallum "chud, doing something unhealthy is not a flex."
            meanwhile me staying up until 5 so i can re-read spicy fanfics


Does anyone have the same habit of randomly materializing next or behind people and scarring the crap out of them. my friends say it's awesome, but my parents HATE it. i do it so often they had to make a habit themselves about looking behind them every 25 seconds. (it doesn't help)


@OfficialTDPCallum im the person who is scared


@OfficialTDPCallum I have very light footsteps, so I can relate.