
Hello! Sorry for ignoring your reading requests! I'm busy right now, so I will probably read them all on Friday.


@RandomlySana Hello! If by other account, you mean krittein then it's not me, we just divide reading requests. :) Sorry for this late response, I was on Wattpad hiatus. I'll get to your books in a while! :)


ohh.. well thanks to krittein's account for directing me here :) no problem take as much time as you want, i understand *sort of* :))


Your other acount directed me here.. I dont usually ask people to read my stuff because it will annoy alot of people. I usually ask my really close friends but since you said you take reading requests i just thought maybe possibly you could read my stuff... I am writing two fresh stories. I just started both of them. One is a short story "How she fell in love with his whiskers" and the other is a novel "Stealing Anna" you can read both descriptions and decide which ever you would like to give a try. I understand if you cant read it due to busy schedule but i will be thankful anyway. :)