
Hello everyone! I just wanted to inform you that I have not stopped posting stories, I'm just writing them in a google document, then posting the whole story when I am completely finished writing it. I just wanted to let you know that in case someone was wondering.


@OceanHydra629  can’t wait for the next story so excited . any idea when it will come out?


Hello everyone! I just wanted to inform you that I have not stopped posting stories, I'm just writing them in a google document, then posting the whole story when I am completely finished writing it. I just wanted to let you know that in case someone was wondering.


@OceanHydra629  can’t wait for the next story so excited . any idea when it will come out?


Dear readers, specifically of Not So Innocent.
          I was wondering if anyone would be interested in reading a rewrite of my story. It has been nearly 2 years since I posted the original and I was think of rewriting it, keeping the original posted still, and seeing how far my writing skills have progressed. If anyone is interested let me know please!


Thank you for adding my story to your "good books" list! <3


@Anonym0210 Of course! I really liked the book, I think it was a nice twist from the actual storyline of Naruto, and I really like the fact that you made Obito and Kakashi in the roles that they were in, I would have expected it to be the opposite, where Kakashi is the harsh and isolated one and Obito was the one to come and save him. But I really do like the way it was made! <3


I love your stories!


@Virgil_SandersSides Thank you so much, I really love knowing that someone enjoys it. :)