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Hello. I would like to formally apologize for my mistakes that i have made that started in the summer of 2020-2021. Back then, it was just a thing that I knew that i could do: type fast on the computer and my phone. Doing so, i completely forgotten to ask the original and true writers if I could repost their stories on Wattpad. This was a true mistake on my part and I apologize for all of the stress and troubles I started. When I said that I had send requests to the authors, I truly thought I did and was genuinely confused as to why the situation was happening. Doing further investigation, it had turned out that i had never sent nor wrote them out when in my head i thought I did since that would be the first thing to do. When I said that i was being hacked, I was scared that I would be targeted so I lied in an attempt to see what was happening. It was a dumbass move and i am now aware of that. Same thing when I tried to ask my followers to tell the authors to apologize to them for me, I was abusing and using my followers to do something that i was afraid of. I have now learned that telling and speaking of the truth instead of running away and lying about it will give more hate than if I just told the truth from the start. While, I will not be able to apologize to every single original author that's on Tumblr whom i reposted their work on Wattpad, i hope that if there are any followers from them that have stumbled on my page due to the situation, they message and send them here so they can see my apology. This was very idiotic and ridiculous of me to do: not message and confirm with the original authors if I can use their work. I hope my apology clears the still frequent death threats from anonymous users that follow the original authors. Thank you for reading this as i truly apologize and have been reflecting on what I have done wrong. 


I hope that this clears of some, if not most, of the stress that has been applied to the situation. I hope that everything will be resolved between me and the original authors that I am apologizing to and i wish that i will be able to post without having to worry that people will still send harsh comments about the situation. Thank you and have a good day


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Hello. I would like to formally apologize for my mistakes that i have made that started in the summer of 2020-2021. Back then, it was just a thing that I knew that i could do: type fast on the computer and my phone. Doing so, i completely forgotten to ask the original and true writers if I could repost their stories on Wattpad. This was a true mistake on my part and I apologize for all of the stress and troubles I started. When I said that I had send requests to the authors, I truly thought I did and was genuinely confused as to why the situation was happening. Doing further investigation, it had turned out that i had never sent nor wrote them out when in my head i thought I did since that would be the first thing to do. When I said that i was being hacked, I was scared that I would be targeted so I lied in an attempt to see what was happening. It was a dumbass move and i am now aware of that. Same thing when I tried to ask my followers to tell the authors to apologize to them for me, I was abusing and using my followers to do something that i was afraid of. I have now learned that telling and speaking of the truth instead of running away and lying about it will give more hate than if I just told the truth from the start. While, I will not be able to apologize to every single original author that's on Tumblr whom i reposted their work on Wattpad, i hope that if there are any followers from them that have stumbled on my page due to the situation, they message and send them here so they can see my apology. This was very idiotic and ridiculous of me to do: not message and confirm with the original authors if I can use their work. I hope my apology clears the still frequent death threats from anonymous users that follow the original authors. Thank you for reading this as i truly apologize and have been reflecting on what I have done wrong. 


I hope that this clears of some, if not most, of the stress that has been applied to the situation. I hope that everything will be resolved between me and the original authors that I am apologizing to and i wish that i will be able to post without having to worry that people will still send harsh comments about the situation. Thank you and have a good day


Obey  Me  Questioner 
          Favorite character(s)?
          Diavolo, Barbatos, Beelzebub, and Belphegor
          Which character(s) would you most likely be in a poly relationship with?
          Diavolo and Barbatos
          Lucifer and Satan
          Beelzebub and Belphegor
          Would you give up your old life to stay in the Devildom forever?
          If they wanted you to pick only one of them, would you only choose one, or let all of them have you?
          I find it hard to choose only one so I would let them all have me
          Devildom or Celestial Realm Which do you love more?
          HOL or Purgatory Hall?
          Simeon or Solomon?
          Asmodeus or Simeon?
          Asmodeus or Leviathan?
          Asmodeus or Mammon?
          Mammon or Leviathan?
          Mammon or Satan?
          Satan or Beelzebub?
          Beelzebub or Belphegor?
          Beelzebub(I love both tho)
          Beelzebub or Lucifer?
          Beelzebub or Asmodeus?
          Beelzebub or Diavolo?
          Beelzebub or Barbatos?
          Beelzebub or Simeon?
          Beelzebub or Solomon?
          Winner: Beelzebub
          Would you ignore their sins and give your body to them(this question came after listening to the eng translation of Sinful Indulgence)?
          Feel free to answer these questions for yourself and put your answers down below. If you wish to add more questions please tell me so I can add more


Lucifer, Mammon, Beelzebub, Diavolo, And Satan
            Beelzebub and Belphegor 
            Diavolo and Barbatos 
            It would be hard to only have one so i would choose all 
            House of Lamentation 
            Thats hard but i would have to say simeon 
            This is hard T-T uuuhhh Diavolo 
            Definitely lol but that was hard ngl made me sweat a lil lmfao 


          why was Belphie complaining about being locked up in the attic. He has a whole bed, carpet, table, furniture etc. And then when he gets out, HE GOES BACK IN. come on now


@Slasher_Whore_ he was locked up since he wanted to go against Diavolo's wishes


He wasn't treated as a monster, they thought that he was in the human world they didn't hate him


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Lmao, ok, oxytocin is the best. Okay, so yesterday me and my family saw a dog(looks no older than 6 months old) walking the street, half breed(Pitt Bull and Labrador) ribcage clearly visible, starving and eating anything it came across(ate a big piece of red plastic that was under a car, like the Burger Kink fry plastic holder, that's what the plastic looked like) a chain around its neck. So we took it in, in our backyard. Upon further investigation of the chain, there was no name, address, engraving on it, she(the puppies' gender also through further investigation) had chewed through the collar. She is a gentle puppy that should not have been chained, ignored, starved, and touch starved, if you do not want anything to do with a dog after buying it, SELL IT. Do not fucking ignore the dog and make it suffer. We named her Free. So if her original "owners" look for her(which i do not want to happen because I don't want her to be put in the same state she was in again) we will have to give her back. If not, she will become apart of our family. Now, many of you may not know, but in 2022, my last dog, buddy, died, which threw me in a state of depression that I've been in forever. So, when Free came, I felt a part of my stress become released, I actually felt happy and I actually laughed, which i haven't done in months. I actually feel like some of my depression has been lifted because of Free. So, I'm going to do my best to make Free the happiest puppy alive. That is my New Years Resolution.


@Slasher_Whore_ || THATS SO ADORABLE!! I feel bad for Free tho, she doesn't deserve that. I hope the disgusting owners don't find her bc they don't deserve the poor dog


          If you see anyone on your message board or private message trying to promote or ask about Neobook, block them. They are a Russian social media scam site. Stay safe


I can't answer that sorry


@Slasher_Whore_ okay question is what is with Russians mostly being the bad guys, for example: hydra, the scientists in stranger things, and and probably more shows that I don't know about