HI there! 

I am NyaStar a first year college student taking up pharmacy ( * ^ * ) hihi

I am 100% proud to be weird but always remember! Being weird is good because you are unique in your very own way. Well weirdness is undeniably AWESOMEEE!

I am creating stories based on real life stories from the wonderful people around me, and there will be 1 special story about my own life haha though its gonna be your problem which one is it ;)

i love pissing people around by teasing or asking them too much questions XD ahaha but that's the way I mingle with them but it really depend on my mood ahahaahahahaha LOL. I am a gamer and athlete.






*Relaxing Vacations

* ~SECRET~ *
  • JoinedAugust 7, 2013

Story by NyaStar on the Board :)