
Hello Reader's,
          	Hope all are doing good. I have to announce that I officially got a message from wattpad saying that my book "In his dark word" has been removed due to violation. I knew there are Reader's who might report my book and I made sure to give a warning. I might feel bad because written a story is no simple thing you give your precious time there. But I do understand what I wrote is not appropriate as it did gave wrong message but come on there are books like Haunting adeline which did got famous.  I gave warning still my book was taken down and worst thing is I won't have a proper backup. Looks like I need to take a retirement from wattpad .
          	Ps. Will remove all my books except Fame and short stories.


@Muasyaaqub thank you for suggesting will look into it


@Novel_Lovel what of ' Archive of your own' AO3.. it's really a good platform with no removal of stories no matter how dark they are 


@Novel_Lovel you can chooses inkitt or good novel.


Sorry for posting here? Can u plz check out mine book? 
          I would appreciate it if you could take a look at it. 
          The name of the book is   Agnihotri's- The Sinner. 
          Plz do vote and comments too.
          I think you'd like this story: "Agnihotri's- The SINNER" by savage_alone07 on Wattpad


Hey there Author,
          Sorry for posting without your permission but if you're taking reading requests then do check out my book "His Little Monster" in your free time. I hope you would like it.


Sorry for posting here author 
          hey readers please check out my book Complicated Pyaar I am sure you will like it please give the chance and show some love so that I can encourage myself to write parts better next time


Hello Reader's,
          Hope all are doing good. I have to announce that I officially got a message from wattpad saying that my book "In his dark word" has been removed due to violation. I knew there are Reader's who might report my book and I made sure to give a warning. I might feel bad because written a story is no simple thing you give your precious time there. But I do understand what I wrote is not appropriate as it did gave wrong message but come on there are books like Haunting adeline which did got famous.  I gave warning still my book was taken down and worst thing is I won't have a proper backup. Looks like I need to take a retirement from wattpad .
          Ps. Will remove all my books except Fame and short stories.


@Muasyaaqub thank you for suggesting will look into it


@Novel_Lovel what of ' Archive of your own' AO3.. it's really a good platform with no removal of stories no matter how dark they are 


@Novel_Lovel you can chooses inkitt or good novel.


Plz give us update,many of us waiting for your next writing work only, your writhing style is so diverse from others and plots are also so fascinating you are extremely talented,hope you are doing well, update sooner


@KeyaDas6 first of I don't need to prove my love is fake or not and looks like you have too much of free time so why don't you go ahead and write a book instead of wasting your time here.


@Novel_Lovel you don't  have to show  your fake love for your reader.


@KeyaDas6 hello there 
            I don't know who you are calling low class but I am sure my Reader's are patient enough to wait for an updates rather than people like you coming here and writing nonsense.
            Next time please keep your opinion to yourself rather than making anyone's days bad. 
            Happy Reading  