
So, just posted a new story. It's called The Two Queens of Ida and is about two queens (obviously). Check it out!


Edit: now it's called simply The Queens of Ida. I published a lot more of it and you. should. check. it. out. It's probably the best story I've ever written.


For any of you who have been reading my Carulia book, I have been planning on finishing pt. two of the oneshot I started. I don't know how to finish, though, since I forgot exactly where I was going with it. If anyone has anything they'd want to see for that, please let me know.


Hey! Almost September now. I’ll be writing again soon just to let you know. Is there any stories that you want me to work on first? If not, I’ll just work on whatever I want, but just wanted to know what was popular among you.


So I deleted some parts in my book When Death Won't Take You and I switched up the order of some of them. I took out the parts about Tadashi, which might be a disappointment, but I do have a reason. As I won't be writing over the summer, I decided to split the book into two parts, one about Cinna, one about Tadashi. I hope to finish the part about Cinna in the next few days, though that might not happen. The parts previously published about Tadashi will be back again, so you can consider them a sneak peak into the next part of the book. You can expect to see the part about Tadashi starting to be published in the fall.
          Thank you for understanding,
          Julia Kei


What's up? As I won't be writing on here over the summer, I would like to make sure I'm getting as much writing done as I can now, but I don't know what you readers want me to work on most. If you read my books, please take a moment to respond to this and share your opinion.


God, I sound like an online survey


Any ideas anyone wants me to write? I know I have, like, five books I'm currently writing, but I could always use ideas. If anyone's been reading my one-shot books, you could also ask for a request for one of those, as I'm not really working on them right now, if you want to see something in particular.