
That's me. An odd, nerdy girl who survives on rock music and books.


All's Fair in Love and Rock

Want to read a few fanfics? Visit my official fan fiction Wattpad account!

Want to contact me, get to know me?
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KIK: bloodeewonderland


The REAL About Me:

I'm just a teenage girl with an overactive imagination, a dream to become the next J.K. Rowling, and maybe, just maybe, I'm a little bit broken.

I'm not sugar, spice, and everything nice - I'm crazy, broken, and everything spoken. I don't hold my tongue when I'm mad, because honestly, there's no need to be rude.

Don't argue with me... I will make you look stupid. I have gained the best gift in the world from my mother: being able to argue my way out of every situation, talk circles around anyone, and convince people to see things from my point of view.

But just because of that, don't hesitate to critique me! As long as it isn't, "yo u cant right fo shat," I'll listen. Because honestly, who the hell listens to illiterate pieces of dung who see themselves so low that it makes them happy to bring others down with them? I greatly appreciate CONSTRUCTIVE criticism, because I know I can always improve my writing skills.


Just a note, unrelated to writing.

You're not alone.

Those three words are the truth, and it's something that everyone needs to know. I'm here to listen to anyone hurting. I may not completely understand, but I understand more than the average person since I, myself, am recovering from a self-harm addiction, bulimia, depression, anxiety, and a whole bunch of other shit. Those three words helped me save myself. Please, let them help you before it's too late.

Don't hesitate to contact me. I'm here to help anyone, even strangers.
  • Sin City
  • JoinedMarch 22, 2014

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