
Again it has a long while, but I must announce this.
          	I will be unpublished my works except 'Elsword: I love you' so that I can start over with my stories.
          	Sorry for the inconvenience but I wanted to improve my current projects more. Have a good day or night.


Again it has a long while, but I must announce this.
          I will be unpublished my works except 'Elsword: I love you' so that I can start over with my stories.
          Sorry for the inconvenience but I wanted to improve my current projects more. Have a good day or night.


I know I haven't updated anything now but most of my stories I am currently doing is getting remodelled from the beginning, some are getting their stories fixed up, Some. As well, trying to practice cover drawings . Well, I just wanted to notify what is going on. Sorry again, but I am trying my best.