
I was wondering if someone could help me write a story I've got an idea but can't seem to write it very well so I'd like advice on writing it if your interested please tell me and I'll fill you in on my idea.


Hi everyone I'm still working on all my stories and was wondering if anyone would be into rp(role playing) with me...
          I can rp Sonic, Persona 5, Persona 4(sort of I haven't played it or anything before Persona 5 but plan on playing 4 and 3), The Legend of Zelda, Final Fantasy VII(7), Final Fantasy VII(8), Final Fantasy XIII(13), Final Fantasy XV(15), Naruto, Baruto, Death Note, Vampire Knights, Fire Emblem Three Houses, Dragonball, Dragonball Z, Dragonball Z Ki, Dragonball Super, Spyro, Devil's May Cry any of them, Harry Potter any of them, Batman, more may be added later
          If you are interested pm me something with to and the name of what you want to rp. Thank you!
          Also thank you for reading my stories and following me I really appreciate it Thank You!


I have this story I had started a long time ago and was wondering if I should post it. You see it's a total new thing for me to make my own oc but I decided to try it. So I had started a story with nothing but my oc and a couple of other oc's I made to see how it'd turn out. I never finished it and forgotten all about it until I found it in my notebook.
          Here is a description of the story:  A young boy by the name of Moonshine was left alone by his mother Moonlight in the closet of their bedroom say, "my dear son I need you to stay here, don't make a sound, I'll be back with your bother soon, hold on to this ring, and run when you hear everything quite down!" Those was the last words she said before running to look for his older twin brother Sunshine. Once she was gone all Moonshine could hear was the deafening sound of steel hitting steel and an ear piercing scream rang out. He sat in the closet and once he was sure it was over he rushed out to find his mother and father Sunny dead. Blood was everywhere and he knew he had to leave. Years later he has a chance in counter with his brother that takes a turn for the worst. The two fight with each other never listening to what the other had to say about how their parents died. They then figure out that Zane their uncle had killed his brother/father and their mother. The two realize that they had a common enemy and team up against Zane to avenge their fallen parents.