
Okay so am I the only Ine that believes there's a huge difference between an overpowered character and an OVER overpowered character? I mean they are both OP but one has too much and it's unnecessary. I can't really talk seeing as I've done the same thing but like you get my point 


@Nixon_Hurley *one this is why I use Grammarly 


Okay so am I the only Ine that believes there's a huge difference between an overpowered character and an OVER overpowered character? I mean they are both OP but one has too much and it's unnecessary. I can't really talk seeing as I've done the same thing but like you get my point 


@Nixon_Hurley *one this is why I use Grammarly 


Hiiii...thanks for adding my deadpools daughter into yo reading lists. I totally appreciate it. I hope you enjoyed reading it. can check out my other bnha books. Like my bakugou x oc i called 'Heart Left In The Shadows'
          A lot of people say its underrated but i be the judge. Its cool if you dont. Totally respect that.
          Anywy...have Plus Ultra day! Peace! :)  :)  :)


@_KiriBakuForEva totally! I'll definitely check them out. I just loved the concept of the book and decided that I had to read it in when you finished it. 


Hey, so I'm not 100% sure on what's going on with the protests and what not because I live in the middle of nowhere in an area that doesn't really protest, however, I do use social media often. I have seen cops do things that I find disgusting, but I have also seen some of the protesters do some things that they shouldn't be doing either. Now I have my own opinions on a lot of this, but I wouldn't doubt it if some of my words would get me hollered at, so I'll keep them to myself for the most part. However, I do have some words that I believe everyone should hear. It only takes one person, be a 5-year-old child or someone in their 80s, to make change happen. The change that happened was caused by one bad cop because not all cops are bad. It's like in school, one kid is on their phone and ruins it for the rest of the class. It takes one person. All of the looting and all the unnecessary violence isn't going to solve anything. It's just going to make things worse. The police need to understand this as well, if they want us to trust them and to listen to them then they should stop beating people down, they should stop with the tear gas, they should stop shooting those rubber bullets. How hard is it to get down on one knee? How hard is it to just stand there and do your job? Why prove all of the people who are hating on you and your job right by using the brutality that they have accused you of? Why stain the name of your fellow police officers? How hard is it to try and change? Why are people so afraid of change? Stop the violence, stop the hate, stop the discrimination. We all bleed the same! We are no different from your neighbour or from the man that lives in the province over! 


We all live here on this earth, this earth is something that we share. We teach our children at such a young age that sharing is caring and that you are to treat others the way we want to be treated, so why is that a 5-year-old can accept people and share better than every other person on this planet. Please just stop


I feel special. Author-Chan followed me back


@Ginger-Gamer huh? Is it really that weird to be followed back? I follow everyone back because I love all of my readers Thanks for the follow in the first place tho, love you reader-san!!!!