
Okay, so around Christmas last year, there was backlash on my story Sleepless Nights. People were complaining that “Gary’s male.” I know he is. Im not dumb! It’s an AU and my story! I can write it how I want! The backlash because I made a character transgender! It used to be a headcannon! I know I haven’t updated in a while, but I was busy and I had writer’s block. But I should be back soon!


@NinjaOfOpal gotta say, you're right and I'm sorry if I offend anyone but if you think just because you don't like it they need to change it, then don't scold them about it, just ask if they would change it (and I cannot express this more) NICELY, and if they don't then respect that and don't pester them.


@NinjaOfOpal I bet you forgot that I am someone you seen one of its stories... I am Sondos Khadidja! You appeared in my Angry birds' story! I only wanted to tell you that I finished it! And btw... You aren't the only one who I "randomly" send messages to, there are lot more! I did that because I needed friends more than readers! I can NOT write stories if I have absolutely NO BODY to support me!
          	  But I still understand the fact that you need some space...
          	  I am not interfering ANYMORE! T_T


@Algerian_Builder112 dude. I don’t remember reading your story okay? And you have to respect other authors’ space. You cant just randomly message people


Okay, so around Christmas last year, there was backlash on my story Sleepless Nights. People were complaining that “Gary’s male.” I know he is. Im not dumb! It’s an AU and my story! I can write it how I want! The backlash because I made a character transgender! It used to be a headcannon! I know I haven’t updated in a while, but I was busy and I had writer’s block. But I should be back soon!


@NinjaOfOpal gotta say, you're right and I'm sorry if I offend anyone but if you think just because you don't like it they need to change it, then don't scold them about it, just ask if they would change it (and I cannot express this more) NICELY, and if they don't then respect that and don't pester them.


@NinjaOfOpal I bet you forgot that I am someone you seen one of its stories... I am Sondos Khadidja! You appeared in my Angry birds' story! I only wanted to tell you that I finished it! And btw... You aren't the only one who I "randomly" send messages to, there are lot more! I did that because I needed friends more than readers! I can NOT write stories if I have absolutely NO BODY to support me!
            But I still understand the fact that you need some space...
            I am not interfering ANYMORE! T_T


@Algerian_Builder112 dude. I don’t remember reading your story okay? And you have to respect other authors’ space. You cant just randomly message people


It’s my birthday today! Yay! Still feeling a bit depressed tho.


@NinjaOfOpal happy (late) birthday!!


@NinjaOfOpal Happy birthday doll!!