Well, hello there!

My name is Nikita, and here are five random, useless facts about me:

1. My favorite singer is Sam Smith, because good LAWD that boy can sing.

2. My favorite movie is The Last Song.

3. I have never said "I love you" to anyone, not even my parents.

4. I love reading, and romance novels are my fave. Hush, Hush by Becca Fitzpatrick is the bomb.

5. I'm fluent in Sarcasm and English.

6. *Bonus fact* I tend to screw everything up.

If you are reading my story riptide, then thank you! I truly appreciate every single vote and comment y'all leave. I love talking to you all. So don't hesitate to comment.

  • JoinedFebruary 4, 2014


Story by Nikita_k
riptide by Nikita_k
rip·tide noun \ˈrip-ˌtīd\ : A strong current of water that flows away from shore and can be hazardous to swi...
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