
Hi all, I know I said I would have something up by now and I'm so so sorry for that. There's been some issues going on for me and today I stopped breathing and nearly went to the hospital so it was pretty scary, but I'm alright now and I promise my new one shot will be up soon. xx


Take as much time as you need x


Hi all, I know I said I would have something up by now and I'm so so sorry for that. There's been some issues going on for me and today I stopped breathing and nearly went to the hospital so it was pretty scary, but I'm alright now and I promise my new one shot will be up soon. xx


Take as much time as you need x


I think that a lot of people gravitate towards "basic" and kind of unoriginal stories (I'm not saying that people that have a mass amount of followers aren't awesome writers, because some are) but I find a lot of the big writers have boring stories and I never really end up reading them. I love your stories I thought they were all nice, you mightn't have a track record of me following them or liking them but that's because I recently deleted my old account and this is my new one (I normally read them on my old one) but I wouldn't be discouraged, if you think you have the ability and the talent than there is nothing most certainly stopping you. It can be quite saddening when you've put effort in something and it doesn't get the response you want, but there are real people that love and appreciate your work...... And I know having a small amount of readers might not be what you want but, they like it..... They've read your stuff and enjoyed it and maybe one day there will be lots more that love it too :) x just know your awesome 


Thank you so much, you have no idea how much this means to me- really. I promise I will return, I just need to take time to brainstorm because my writer's block hasn't gone away yet sadly :( but thank you again, this was very sweet of you to say xx 


Alright, so I've given this a day of thought and I'm still a bit indecisive. Only three people wanted me to keep the writings, and that was actually a bit disapointing. I guess people just don't like my stuff. I've been on here for three years and I've tried to be patient and give it time, but I've just had no luck, I guess I'm not meant to have a lot of people read my stuff. I see people who have only been on here a year get thousands more reads than me and it kinda hurts my heart because I'm wondering what I'm doing wrong and if there's anything I can to better but oh wait- nobody comments EVER! Anyways, I've decided that for now I won't be writing much. Probably even not at all. I'm keeping my past stuff up though in case anyone wants to read it. If I can write again I may update but it will be rare, especially since all I've been posting lately is drabbles. So yeah, thanks for nothing I guess. Bye for now xx