
I'm baaàck! Kind of. I won't be posting for any stories until i figure out what's up with my laptop.


Hmmm, I've noticed that a few of my stories as drafts even though I did publish them, weird.


@TheStormkeeper :O it's you! You're alive! *tackles you and hugs you* with what you said that is true.


@New--Beginnings Gotta love site issues... no site stays 100% bug/issue free; we all end up encountering some "funny stuff! at some point or another!


Did wattpad delete a chapter for Eyes for you? Because I swear I posted a chapter in September but it says the last chapter that was posted was in June. Huh weird.


@New--Beginnings Yw! Ay, it happens to all of us sometimes. I do it often xD


@Avalyn1584 Okay thanks :) if it wasn't that then it was probably a case of I didn't actually do it but just thought I did lol


@New--Beginnings It might actually be a glitch on Wattpad's part. A while back I was having trouble getting my story chapters to post. It would do this weird thing where it would look like it was up when I went to edit the part, but as a reader, it didn't show up. So I had to 'repost' it 5-6 times before it actually posted. Perhaps that could have happened to you as well? No idea if this helps answer your question ^^'


To those peeking on this profile, you should know that the user won’t be online for a while due to having sent her laptop away to get fixed. If you want to contact her, send a message to my profile in which I’ll make sure she gets the message


I have finally republished "Lady Davina" and it's sequel "I am Yours" Yay!
          I have to remind everyone that if you see any of my works on another website or platform message me right away about it, if you want to know the reason for it just scroll down to a post I made on July 30.
          I'll be away for the holidays and won't be on so Merry early Christmas everyone and have a good one :)


Did you know that you at 32 you are a knockout!!! I couldn’t say this yesterday because we didn’t have internet. I just want you to know that your smile, your laugh, your smirk still gets to me. I love you, happy birthday ❤️ ❤️


@Miles-Riley You goof, you treated me yesterday :P but I love you too, thank you for breakfast in bed and the gift and for making it wonderful. ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️❤️ ❤️


"Please don't touch me, just keep off me Don't go asking for no favours I've been nice for long enough but Now I'm on my worst behavior I cannot be bothered to be friendly And why d'you keep on calling me your baby You ain't doing nothing to impress me So now is not the time for you to test me"