
I'm working on the powers for the characters in High School DxD Determination and I need to choose between domain expansion and reality marble for the twins and Issei. In the Nasuverse route, I want to give Issei and the twins a magic crest. Since Issei has powers like Gasper and mystic eyes, I also want to incorporate those into their abilities. Additionally, I want to include Chara and Frisk from Undertale in the story. I have already decided on their Soul traits; for example, Frisk will have kindness and Issei will have justice, in addition to their default determination trait. I don't want to spoil too much.


Obviously, if we go with plan jjk, then things will be different.


I'm working on the powers for the characters in High School DxD Determination and I need to choose between domain expansion and reality marble for the twins and Issei. In the Nasuverse route, I want to give Issei and the twins a magic crest. Since Issei has powers like Gasper and mystic eyes, I also want to incorporate those into their abilities. Additionally, I want to include Chara and Frisk from Undertale in the story. I have already decided on their Soul traits; for example, Frisk will have kindness and Issei will have justice, in addition to their default determination trait. I don't want to spoil too much.


Obviously, if we go with plan jjk, then things will be different.


Am I the only one weirded out by High School DxD Jr... I feel like sexualizing middle schoolers is plain creepy.I feel that the spinoff, while based on a Japanese concept, was entirely unnecessary. I think we should have gotten a Vali spinoff instead of this weird stuff, to be honest. I believe this is one of the reasons why some people think the DxD community is filled with child molesters and perverts. And due to people thinking Konkeo is a kid, without understanding that she's a year younger than Issei. In my opinion, Ishibumi is just adding fuel to the fire with this one. This series will definitely face backlash, and for good reason. Before anyone claims it's not strange, you're mistaken! The scene with Zekka and Liebette proves my point. I don't want the community to be exposed, particularly in the West. Because we aren't. Issei and the Orc are both adults at 18 or older. However, Ravel and Koneko are exceptions, being just a year younger than Issei. What are your thoughts on the spinoff?


@NeverIsTheEnd for me I need to see before judging and I want also season 5 of the series to be released I hate waiting more then it should It has been 6 years it's time for the new season 


@NeverIsTheEnd honestly they should be trying to finish one of the original series first.    But your right it seems a little wrong to me.


*I don't want the community to be seen as supporting inappropriate behavior due to Ishibumi's mistake. He should never have given the green light for the series. I know he didn't create the series himself, but this was still a serious mistake on his part.t*


Honestly I been itching to remake issei and the holy moonlight great sword fanfic. Should I do that?


@DragongodAstaroth No, you're right. I guess I'm going to set a new goal for myself: completing a story. My first story will be "High School DxD Determination


@NeverIsTheEnd understandable, but like I  said it's up to you in the end.


@DragongodAstaroth tbh I’m just bored. And tbh I don’t know if I will be able to finish any of my stories. I just don’t have the inspiration to right them…. I love reading fanfics, something I haven’t been read lately, due to how dry the dxd fanfic fandom is…  lately I been playing pso2 NG and writing my light novel. Like I said, I don’t see this as a job or obligation to write a story I don’t want to write… Plus, what inspire me to write, is seeing other having joy reading my fanfic, I like that feeling. And sometimes i feel like I’m writing for myself, something i don’t like