
Quick update: I finished the first draft of -The Luna of Crescent Moon- yesterday. It's a very rough draft, and I picked up where I left off from a few years ago and made it my mission on vacation to plot and get through it. 
          	The funny thing is, I didn't realize how long it took!
          	Starting on 05/30/20 to 06/18/24 to finish a spin-off that I didn't think would be as important as it will be to the series.
          	When I say draft, I mean it still needs a few re-reads and general editing before I even think of posting. So, after four years, The Luna of Crescent Moon has 'finished' with 50 chapters and nearly 160k words...And plenty of room to explore *Wink* *Wink*
          	I won't be touching the chapters I have up currently, but I can't promise that they won't change in the future. I'll post a warning before I take it down.
          	Anywho, that's my rambling for the day. See you in the next update:)


Quick update: I finished the first draft of -The Luna of Crescent Moon- yesterday. It's a very rough draft, and I picked up where I left off from a few years ago and made it my mission on vacation to plot and get through it. 
          The funny thing is, I didn't realize how long it took!
          Starting on 05/30/20 to 06/18/24 to finish a spin-off that I didn't think would be as important as it will be to the series.
          When I say draft, I mean it still needs a few re-reads and general editing before I even think of posting. So, after four years, The Luna of Crescent Moon has 'finished' with 50 chapters and nearly 160k words...And plenty of room to explore *Wink* *Wink*
          I won't be touching the chapters I have up currently, but I can't promise that they won't change in the future. I'll post a warning before I take it down.
          Anywho, that's my rambling for the day. See you in the next update:)


Hi it’s me again, now drowning in stress over Sage’s heat away from her home and mate I was wondering when you’ll upload more rewritten chapters because I really don’t like the idea of her being with Andy and I understand from Your note in book five that you’re removing it and as you see this series had been my MISSION the past week, I’ve been gushing over it to my sister too, you’re amazing, the way you put everything together to maintain realistic and satisfying character building and development? *chef’s kiss* and also I love how there’s so much going on with other supernatural beings but at the same time it doesn’t feel…you know..over? like, it makes sense and she’s not over-powered and didn’t magically get fluent etc etc, and when Remus was being an AH with the stress of war I thought it was really great because other mates and characters that are always nice and chill and what not just don’t seem logical to me so I LOVE how they just fu/ck up sometimes and have to work through it, I guess I just love everything about your style and lacking humanity 


@MeuGami Hi hun! I apologize in advance as the series gets more stressful here ;) Usually, I try to post every Wednesday or Thursdays, but I'll be returning to my regular two updates a week soon, I swear!  (Which means Monday and Friday postings)!
            I'm just trying to catch up on the spin-off story 'The Luna of Crescent Moon' as well as getting the rest of HC and MR edited!
            I am also working on getting new book covers for everything in the series and The Brave Human Mate!
            I'm so happy you've been set on binge-reading the series <3 and you've made my week with your comments here :) It means the absolute world to me that you love the characters. Thank you for being supportive and understanding of the rewrite!
            Happy reading:)


HOW IS NOT LACKING HUMANITY PUBLISHED AND HOW DOES IT NOT HAVE MILLION OF READS  I just finished the first book and I’m HOOKED to say the least!!!! thank you for sharing with us!


@MeuGami omg, you're so sweet! This comment honestly made my day! 
            I'm so happy you're enjoying Sage's journey and I'm excited for you to see what happens next!!
            And as for publishing...I'm working on it!


Lacking Humanity: Crescent Moon has hit over 200k reads! To celebrate, an extra chapter of the rewritten version of Half Crescent will going up momentarily!
          Thank you all for the love and support you've shown this series, I can't wait to continue to explore this world!
          I hope you all have a fantastic weekend:)
          -Nerdyxwitch (Michelle <3)


@NerdyxWitch how fantastic!! Congratulations and thank you x


After watching a tiktok video of authors using Pinterest to help create mood boards and gather inspiration, I've decided to take another stab at it...I haven't used it since I started writing -Undoubtedly Yours-, my Harry Potter fanfic, so this should be VERY interesting.
          I might be outing myself and other projects, but I love it so far!


Will there be a book 6 for lacking humanity?


@NerdyxWitch your a great writer I love your books and I will reread the new rewritten ones thank you and please keep writing I don't find many books I enjoy but I definitely enjoy your books


@JoeannShepherd Hello! Yes, there will be a 6th book in the Lacking Humanity series--But before that, books 4 & 5 will be rewritten and reuploaded. As well as 'The Luna of Crescent Moon' will get revised and completed. I'm hopeful that I'll be able to finish everything above before 2025, and then I can focus back on working on Grey Hallow.
            Thank you for your support, happy reading:)


On my way to Germany!! A very much needed vacation but I’m also headed to visit family—Hoping inspiration hits when I’m there. 
          Fingers crossed!!
          If Wednesday’s chapter is a little late/earlier than usually, don’t mind me, I’m right hours ahead of my regular time zone.
          So excited :)


@NerdyxWitch awesome    have a great vacation xx


Lacking humanity is one of the best stories I have read on here or anywhere else in a long long time and I have been on watt pad for 24 years well maybe 20 lol but it Is one of those stories you hope never ends so congratulations for keeping this old lady on her toes and anxious for the next chapter hell  next page . One of the best of the best .


@DebbieWilmoth Thank you so much for your kind words, they honestly made my day! 
            I hope you enjoy the rest of Sage and Remus', wherever it may lead to... ;) And I'm so happy you enjoyed -The Brave Human Mate- as well! 
            Thank you so much for your support:)
            Happy reading <33


          Today is National Werewolf Day...So how about we celebrate with another chapter from the rewritten version of Half Crescent? And yes, there will be another chapter posted tomorrow as well!
          Also, I think I've gotten the basic plot created for a werewolf Motorcycle club romance. Though, it might be a short story, I think it'll be fun!
          Anywho, expect that extra chapter in the next few minutes!
          -Nerdyxwitch :)


The urge to write never hits harder than when I’m at work or about to go to work—I swear. 
          Lowkey, want to write a motorcycle club romance…or even better, a werewolf motorcycle club? 


@Montana2013 right?? I’ve stuck on a MC romance kick and it feels like it’s missing something, an extra boost of alpha male and the ability to shift sound like the perfect combo :D


@ttreasurer I think this will be my first attempt at a short story ;)


@NerdyxWitch I would love to read a Werewolf MC story, most stories I read are one or the other. Sounds like it would be the best of both worlds. Patiently waiting. Take care, Rayne