
Hi everyone:) I have some exciting news! I am just about to publish the first chapter of a story called “From Her Eyes”. This will be a collection of short stories of events in That North Carolina Summer, but from Rylies point of view:) I’ve been working on this for a while and I’m finally close enough to finishing it that I’m ready to start publishing:) 
          	This first one is going to be titled “The Breakup”. It’s going to give Rylies perspective of her birthday, the phone call with her mom, and everything leading up to the make-up:) 
          	I mention this in the description as well, but if you have any ideas/suggestions for other short stories from Rylies point of view that you’d like to read, from any of the books, please let me know because I’d love to work on more for this! 
          	I’m really excited to share this with y’all and I hope you love it:)


Hi everyone:) I have some exciting news! I am just about to publish the first chapter of a story called “From Her Eyes”. This will be a collection of short stories of events in That North Carolina Summer, but from Rylies point of view:) I’ve been working on this for a while and I’m finally close enough to finishing it that I’m ready to start publishing:) 
          This first one is going to be titled “The Breakup”. It’s going to give Rylies perspective of her birthday, the phone call with her mom, and everything leading up to the make-up:) 
          I mention this in the description as well, but if you have any ideas/suggestions for other short stories from Rylies point of view that you’d like to read, from any of the books, please let me know because I’d love to work on more for this! 
          I’m really excited to share this with y’all and I hope you love it:)


hey I absolutely love the Carolina series! it has made me laugh and cry. Such an amazing writer and a great story. I hope to read more of your work.


@NerdingAlong I'm glad my comments made you smile :D I know when something is good and you defiantly deserve the praise for your work. I'm looking forward to reading the rest of it.


@StaceyRodgers you just made me smile so big reading this:)) it makes me so happy when people love it the way i do, you have no idea! and i’m really glad you appreciate the photos as well, that makes me happy too:)


@NerdingAlong you are welcome :) I even downloaded the music you used I'm that obsessed with it. Best story I have read on here for a while :D and your photos are amazing to, so much talent.


An angel recently told me that Wattpad is updating some guidelines  to make the age of consent with characters 18+, so I went in and quickly added in the first chapter that Aspen and Rylie are 18. I feel like it’s kind of awkward how I added it and might not make sense where I added it, but i figured it was better to be safe and just add something for now to make sure the story doesn’t get flagged or anything. if any of y’all have suggestions for a better way for me to go about it, let me know haha


I need some input…: ) without giving away any spoilers… hypothetically, say i have something in progress that has to do with That North Carolina Summer (the first book) and a different point of view for a specific section of the book. is this something y’all would be interested in reading? if so, do you think I should add it onto book one in additional chapters, or do you think it would be better to have it as it’s own story, specifically for if i happen to write specific chapters in different points of view? hypothetically, of course:)


@Lezbyterian 1.5 is a really good idea! i’m considering doing a few of these POV sections, but i agree, i don’t think they’ll be very long. but who knows haha because this one is already at 8,000 words and it’s maybe halfway done, so maybe it’ll turn into a novella type thing haha


@Loiosh hahah trust me, i wish it was that POV! although that one will definitely be one i consider for the future:D 


@silasiousthethird you make a very good point, thank you!:) I agree, separate will probably be better especially considering there could be several of these in the future and i don’t want to make tncs longer than it already is haha


Okay guys I am so excited at the moment and needed to share lol
          First off, I got my all time favorite picture two days ago, and I am pretty sure I’m gonna use it as the new cover for Book 2!! (When Summer Ends). I’m at Myrtle Beach (south carolina, unfortunately not north carolina haha) for the week with some of my cousins. There’s a Ferris Wheel right near our hotel which is why I chose this hotel lol. Anyway, two nights ago it’s lights were purple (my favorite color) and there was a storm near us as well so I started taking videos/pictures in hopes of capturing my dream picture, and I did!! I got a picture of the ferris wheel with a lighting strike right beside it and i am IN LOVE with it! I cannot wait to show y’all, I’ll add it as the next chapters cover picture:)
          Second, I started working on a little side project that I am super excited for. I don’t want to spoil it, but it has to do with That North Carolina Summer, and I think you guys will really enjoy reading it once I’m done!:) 
          I’ll try and get the next chapter for ANCA typed up asap because i’ve got a few ready, but it’s difficult because i’m spending a lot of time in the water boogie boarding and whatnot lol. anyway, i hope y’all are having a great week! much love! <3


@imadeyourmothergay yessss haha i only recently watched the magic mike movies so when i first went to myrtle beach in 2021, i hadn’t seen the movies but this time i was thinking about that the whole time lol


            I know that because a book referenced magic mike and I didn't know what it was so I searched it up.


Heyyy I was just wondering what camera you use to take those beautiful pictures for the books?


Hii:) I mainly use my canon rebel t7i with the 50mm lens! i’ve also used just my phone for some, and a couple other lenses on my camera like the 24-70mm or 18-55mm depending on what i’m taking pictures of:)


Regarding my next updates for A NC Autumn... would y'all prefer I drop 3 chapters in one day, or 1 chapter a day for 3 days?


@xylovt okay: ) i did two now and i’ll do the other one when i get home:)


@stupidssam i’m indecisive too so i published two for now haha


Does anyone know how to fix the issue of DM's sending over and over? I don't know how I broke my messages, but I'm annoying myself with my messages sending the same thing over and over lol


@Loiosh Its so bad lol I don't know what to do and it's sending so many, over and over lol


That has been happening to everyone for the last week or so I think??


I’ve tried posting this three times now so I’m praying it works this time lol
          Question for y’all, what do you consider “rushing things” in a gxg book? For example, the first time they meet, obviously initial attraction is alright, but is it too soon for one girl to start thinking about how jealous she is of the other girls boyfriend? or how she’s already feeling the need to distance herself to stop the feelings from developing? 
          I just don’t want so much of a slow burn in this new book, but I’m also worried I’m rushing things in how the main girl is feeling haha. any input is appreciated!


I think as long as you were to just..not make the one jealous absolutely in love with her instantly then it’s alright. Jealousy is a nice touch, because it heightens the initial attraction one has for the other. You got this boomer. 


@NerdingAlong I love when there's makes it more interesting 


I wouldn’t mind reading a faster paced book. The jealousy is ok too , she likes the girl enough to be jealous so it just shows us how much she likes her