
So I know I’ve been gone for so long and for anyone who pays attention to my updates and things you’ll know that I’m working hard on school. I have my schedule and book lined up for either being rewritten or continued. It’s up to everyone to tell me if you like my books the way the are starting now or feel that I should start over. My new and very much improved schedule will be up either later today or tomorrow.


So I know I’ve been gone for so long and for anyone who pays attention to my updates and things you’ll know that I’m working hard on school. I have my schedule and book lined up for either being rewritten or continued. It’s up to everyone to tell me if you like my books the way the are starting now or feel that I should start over. My new and very much improved schedule will be up either later today or tomorrow.


Hello Everybody!
          I’m back. I’m so so sorry that the updates have been barely any at all or that I haven’t been on here much. I thought I would update more with summer but it was very busy and so is school but I’m want to stick to a brand new schedule with a brand new idea. 
          Meant to Be: Tuesday’s
          You And Me: Thursday’s 
          Savin’ Me: Any Day
          Any other books will be made into this schedule soon.
          I may rewrite “You and Me” of you don’t think I should, let me know
          And the other thing I’m sorry if the characters seem the same with Savin’ Me and You and Me. I will put in the description that they are the same people (kinda different names), but different things added in and changed. Like Madeline/Macie will have a new love interest in Savin’ Me and James/Josh(The older brother) will either life with them or not. Not sure yet.


Friends?- Friday’s 
            If Only We Could Be-Any Day


For anyone who reads my books and follows me, I am so so sorry for not updating my books. I know I say that a lot. But I have a job and even though school is out I try to make time to update. I am working on them offline and should have them up in a week maybe. Please understand that I’m trying. I have new ideas as well. Thank you


I feel like some of the books I write are really boring. I have about 16 notebooks filled with un finished story's..I suck St writing. I have tried so much to be like @fallzswimmer or any of the other amazing authors out there. Maybe cause young..


Thank you that means a lot! I’ll be updating it soon. If you want you can check out “You and Me” or my cover book


@Nerdgirly27 I love your book 'Meant to be'!! It is so so well written!!!


Hey, thanks for the follow!


@NightShadows13 Your welcome. Do you think you can read my book and give me feedback on it?


Hey, I made you a few covers. Want me to send them to you?


Alright sounds cool


@Hazel_73  ok then I will make you one lol


@Nerdgirly27 I’ll just make a new book - one just for covers. I’m planning on making more anyways.