
⎯⎯  About two more weeks and my writing break is over. In the mean time, which books are you looking forward to get updated ? 


⎯⎯  About two more weeks and my writing break is over. In the mean time, which books are you looking forward to get updated ? 


Are you going to update A Dragon’s Touch? ( no pressure I just really like the book) 


@ISFHRN ofcc thank you for reading, I appreciate it very much. Hope you’ll like the chapters I have in store <3 


@ISFHRN When I’m off my break, yes! Im not sure if you follow me (which is fine if you don’t ), but if you scroll a post or two down my announcements, you’ll see why I haven’t been updating


⎯⎯  I love finding bomb ass graphic shops…but hate when they have no examples working with Black fcs. 
          I remember asking one person if they’d be interested in challenging themselves to work with Black fcs for a fanfic of mine since there were no examples but of few non-black poc and etc -before I decided to request them-and they deadass said “no sorry <3”. It was the start of my villain origin story LMAO. I had no choice but to learn and perfect my skill with making my own graphics/covers, but that was honestly a hilarious experience. 


@NekodaDotR yesss ur covers look so good like im lowkey jealous lol 


@astoldbyluna no frfr which sucks, and if you mean mine looks better and not in general then tyyyyy


⎯⎯  There’s been a slight change of plans regarding my break. (If confused, scroll two announcements down for the original post). ↴
          I’m really sorry but I’ve decided to start my break from writing NOW rather than wait until next week. I tried holding out to hopefully update some books before then, but my body is physically telling me now ; from headaches as soon as I open my laptop, to spacing out, to lack of energy and etc. And I need to listen before it worsens. I feel so bad, but my health comes first. 
          As stated before in the original announcement, I’ll still be active here and there catching up on books and responding to comments and messages (to those who’ve contacted me outside of here). Thank you for understanding and being patient with me. I hope to come back re-energized and ready to complete my books!!! 


@NekodaDotR girl bye I wishhh it's my favorite YouTuber  but your so cutee


@Iqchar1235_ agreed!!! Also if that’s you in your pfp you’re beautiful <3 


⎯⎯  I have a confession to make…I once was gonna delete Black Pearl and claim wattpad deleted during the chaos because I couldn’t stand such a poorly written book still being read till this day. BUT I guess it all worked out since I decided to rewrite the book instead LMAOO win win


@Androgynous- EYE— I’m sorry lmaoooo It has a good plot and it’s good in certain areas I’ll admit, but it’s just not how I write anymore and still cringy. BUT the rewrite is much better and I’m now happy about it  


@NekodaDotR How dare you! That book is a great re-read!


⎯⎯  Heyy yall!!!! Starting August 24th, I will be taking a short break from writing and updating any books I’ve been actively updating. I will be back September 24th. A full month. 
          However, I will be active and catching up on books in my library and responding to comments and messages (to those who’ve contacted me outside of here), but I’m in need of a break. It’s long overdue. It’s most likely why I’m not completing my books at a faster rate because I fail to take breaks between stories and breaks occasionally. It’s the quickest way to a burnout and I need to do better. And I will! 
          Thank you for understanding and being patient with me, and I’m here whenever you need me <333


@Iqchar1235_ ❤️❤️❤️❤️


@NekodaDotR take care of yourself ❤️❤️❤️


⎯⎯  Will always remember when someone once said “Inactive readers may be the reason why your favorite book has slow updates. While people should definitely write for their own enjoyment, it’s still discouraging to have 7 votes and 2 comments on a book or chapter with 200+ reads”. 
          So many of my favorite writers have gave up bc of this :( 


Very true and it’s sad 


@BlackStoriesUnite aww :( there’s so many unfinished books in my library that I’m just hoping they will one day update. Or I’m checking their pg hoping they will bring it back 


@esotericbree heavy on this!!! They don’t know what they’re doing 


⎯⎯  Black Pearl Update !!!
          Few were made aware about this decision, but I’ve decided to make an official announcement that I’m finally in the headspace to rewrite Black Pearl. Especially now that my writing style has changed drastically, I think the story will be even better told than before!
          So far, I have rewritten eight chapters and will continue to rewrite the entire book offline until completion. Until then, the original draft will be available. Once completed, then I will unpublish majority of the chapters to plug in the new. Then republish. 
          I’m so thankful for the readers who’ve stuck around for the story I’ve told and I hope you’ll stick around again. I can’t believe how shitty my writing was before—though I see the vision of where I was headed lol. Best believe the new Peizhi will have more agency and much more confidence. 
          But don’t worry though, there will be a heads up once I’ve completed the book and so forth. I might even post little snippets here and there.
          THANK YOU AGAIN <3


@Featherraven Thank you!!! And I’d so read that  book if you ever decided to bring it back hahaha 


@NekodaDotR Thank for you're precise answer ! 
            I hope that by writing again Black Pearl, you will be ever more proud of yourself and give another chance to you're idea ! (Me I couldn't never rewrite that high school fanfic about a ghost girl and her zodiac sagittarius friend - yes, that thing existed).


@Featherraven Cringe is just when something is embarrassing or uncomfortable to you. It makes you shudder/shiver whenever you think about it. You wish to wipe it from your brain and never thought of again. It can be an action or anything that makes you cringe. And for me, for my book it’s  poorly written (sentences, the plot, and everything) and I’m embarrassed that it’s a reflection of my work, of me, when I know I can do better. So whenever I see people are reading Black Pearl I cringe 


⎯⎯  Slight Update; good news!
          Some of my books are being written offline until completion or near completion. But because they’ve been added to multiple reading lists and possibly personal libraries (which would disappear if unpublished) and been published for a while, I’ve decided to leave them up until then. Might state in summary bio of those books, but I think this is best for me as I get back into the habit of completing my books before publishing them. Writing as I go prolongs the process even more and takes out the fun at times. 


@NekodaDotR I understand ❤️❤️