
I feel like getting a Christmas themed smut rp in... Any takers?


If someone puts a "check me" sign on an empty trashcan and you tip it over assuming their inside, that doesn't make you a jerk does it?
          Because they kinda crawled inside a trashcan on their own free will, so I really don't know what they expected to happen.


I'm gonna be honest with all of you. Slowly but surely, I might be quitting Wattpad.
          Now, before you unfollow me and cry yourselves to sleep, hear me out. I MIGHT be quitting, although if I do it will be for the following reasons.
          ·The lack of anything remotely close to Smut RPs.
          ·Some of my friends getting banned for the former reason.
          ·Realizing that using a new social media engine might be better than this, mainly due to connection problems on my side.
          I'll be making an Instagram and a Twitter soon for those of you who want to get in touch with me outside of Wattpad. However, I WILL be staying in order to interact with one user who only has Wattpad. She knows who she is. Don't worry, I ain't gonna be gone for long.


@Navidad_Ruudi Have no fear, the boy is back.


I have Instagram, so I'm fine! It's your choice, anyway.


@Iuvellanis Don't you worry though, I'll be sure to keep y'all informed.