
          	Also, I'm agender now, my pronouns are whatever


@Nasuada16 oh im also aroace too lmfao


          Also, I'm agender now, my pronouns are whatever


@Nasuada16 oh im also aroace too lmfao


Take a Hint by The Great Pop Group really suits Alastor


@Nasuada16  it was mischaracterising everyone so bad to the point where i wanted to drink 3 bottles of fluoraid (tbh idk what i expected but it certainly wasnt alastor getting assaulted by vox)


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@ge0grafr34k Excuse me, what the fuck-
            Oh, and I once saw some Alastor angst of him getting fucked by a dog 


@Nasuada16 today i was watching a gacha react to alastor angst out of pure boredom and then it showed a vid of how alastor got 4ss4ult3d by (i think) his parents, vox and val like EXCUSE ME WHAT


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Guys, I think I had a panic attack today
          I got into the final round of a contest. And the first two parts of the contest were written, with the 2nd having an essay, which was really easy for me. And I qualified. But then, I checked the website.
          For the last round, I have to make a fucking oral presentation on one of 4 topics, which all suck ass equally, and present for at least 3 minutes. It can go anywhere through 3-5 min, with an extra minute being put away at the begining for small talk.
          Fucking SMALL TALK.
          Did I mention that I am autistic and that I can't just do small talk?
          Now, here are the 4 topics and why each of them suck:
          1. Bucket list
          I do not HAVE a bucket list. I have ADHD and I do not have the slightest fucking clue nor plan for the next month, let alone a goddamn bucket list
          2. Skills important in the future
          See the above. I have no interest in it, which would make it nearly impossible to write about, and just something makes me just despise it
          3. Elevator pitch for a new social media platform
          For this one, I have quite a few issues
          • What the actual fuck is an elevator pitch? Like seriously, this is the first time in my life that I've heard this term, and I have no clue what could it mean
          • I hate/not use/don't give a fuck about 99% of social media platforms. The ones I use are like Netflix and other shit like that, TikTok, Youtube, Wattpad, AO3, DA and tumblr. I never had nor will I ever have a Twitter, instagram, snapchat or tinder account, and I have one on facebook that was used to log into games before I could do it through my apple acc, so I never used it.
          4. A new video game
          • I am not good at designing things like that. I'm a consumer. I look at things, say "It could be better" but have no clue how if the devs asked me. I have no idea how a game like that would work, nor am I interested in it.
          That one that sucks the least is #4, but still they ALL SUCK.
          And the worst part?
          This shit is gonna be held over fucking Zoom.
          Yeah, you read that


@Person_Meh Thank you, that was actually really sweet


@Nasuada16 damn-
            I don't know how to help you but I believe you can do this!! If you got through the first parts of the competition you probably will go through the 4th parts fine. If you stutter or stumble over your words it will be fine (My school's principal stutters). Everything will be fine!! Just take things slowly. If you aren't interested in the subjects, try to find something you are interested in them. You can also bend the subjects a little bit (ex. instead of a video game it could be a drawing prompt generator) MOST IMPORTANTLY, YOU WILL NEVER BE A FAILURE, DISAPPOINTMENT, OR ANYTHING YOU JUST SAID ABOUT YOURSELF!!! IT IS OKAY TO MAKE MISTAKES OR STUTTER!!!!!!!!! IT IS OKAY TO BE STRESSED!!!!!!!!!!! I really hope at least one of these tips could help you but if they don't, the least I can do is to be someone to talk to.


You guys want a singing voice reveal from some clips I made for a hh dubbing server?
          (and a normal voice reveal as well but that's besides the point)


@LostWolffang75 It's in my artbook now :3


‘Kay guys, I’m off to the most important contest of my life, and if I score high enough I won’t have to take my finals next year. Wish me luck!
          PS. Future Nasuada here. It’s after the contest already, I just lazied out of writing this. It was really easy and I hope I’ll win


@ Nasuada16  You will win!!! I belive in you !!!