When I was young, my oldest brother gave me books to read. Terry Pratchett was one of my favourite writers. As I progressed, probably a little too quickly, Milan Kundera became my favourite. The Unbearable Lightness of Being struck a chord within me made me question life and gave me insights into the human psyche that I am forever grateful for. Even though, at the time, many of the nuisance's of his writing might have been lost on me. Fantasy books quickly surpassed the others which included Umberto Echo and Leo Tolstoy, although reverence is still held for the aforementioned authors, David Eddings and Tolkien hit a nerve within me, keeping me up until all hours of the night, gobbling up words that seem to sing to a place within my soul.

They allowed me to escape the incessant boredom that came from a young inquisitive mind that was stuck in a small town filled with surfers and beach babes. A place I where I never really felt I belonged. Writing short stories and poetry filled the void of self-expression, but something was always missing. I tried numerous times to sit and write longer pieces, edging my way to writing a full blown novel.

It was in my thirty-eighth year, when I started a job as a copywriter, that I wrote my first novel. An epic six hundred page fantasy novel, that I am still editing two years later. I am amazed every time I start the editing process, how it was, I came to write the words.

I have a fondness for dark country and Australian Hip Hop, along with violent battle scenes and crazy romantic relationships that border on medieval Royal shenanigans. Think along the lines of Mary Queen of Scots mixed with drug-fuelled druids and gods that destroy as much as they create.

Currently, I'm working on several different novels. Some are almost finished, one has been sent to various publishers and there are many that are at the beginning phases. Stay tuned!
  • शामिल हुएSeptember 25, 2018


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