
Wooooo!! It's time to CELEBRATE! Awakening has officially hit 1,000 views! *happy dance*
          	Thank you to everyone whose read my big little project, and who continue to give me a reason to keep writing! 
          	I've posted a new chapter, and I'm going to just apologize right now. Please don't send the pitchfork wielding villagers to my home. 


@Nambrosia Congratulations :D Great achievement ! Keep on keeping on


Wooooo!! It's time to CELEBRATE! Awakening has officially hit 1,000 views! *happy dance*
          Thank you to everyone whose read my big little project, and who continue to give me a reason to keep writing! 
          I've posted a new chapter, and I'm going to just apologize right now. Please don't send the pitchfork wielding villagers to my home. 


@Nambrosia Congratulations :D Great achievement ! Keep on keeping on


You guys are really sleeping on Seekers. Just added some music videos to a few chapters. You'll find them in chapters where you meet certain characters for the first time. These are from the Playlist I listen to to get hyped for writing this beast of a novel, and I hope they give some insight into my strange world.