
          	It's called Stardust, please check it out y'all it's one of my favorites
          	"Vince Moretti has always been a genius when it comes to mysteries; missing grandmas, rampant pets, pranks that went a little too far - they've solved it all. Well, if "all" means the little problems their classmates can never seem to solve, that is. Vince is just about ready to give up on ever finding a good mystery when suddenly, the opportunity of a lifetime presents itself in the form of a curious - and oddly sparkly - note. Now, Vince is stuck with new- kid and classmate-proclaimed model Amir Kannan on a journey to solve a puzzle Vince never thought could ever actually exist: there's a haunted house, and it's their job to find out what happened to it."


          It's called Stardust, please check it out y'all it's one of my favorites
          "Vince Moretti has always been a genius when it comes to mysteries; missing grandmas, rampant pets, pranks that went a little too far - they've solved it all. Well, if "all" means the little problems their classmates can never seem to solve, that is. Vince is just about ready to give up on ever finding a good mystery when suddenly, the opportunity of a lifetime presents itself in the form of a curious - and oddly sparkly - note. Now, Vince is stuck with new- kid and classmate-proclaimed model Amir Kannan on a journey to solve a puzzle Vince never thought could ever actually exist: there's a haunted house, and it's their job to find out what happened to it."


People who don't have periods (or specifically don't have cramps) are so lucky. 
          I was cheering yesterday and omn I'm pretty sure I was dying fr. I was so tired and shaky and it felt like my insides were being squeezed and torn up and about to explode. I feel so bad for my flyer because I legit almost dropped her in an extension and couldn't catch the cradle. And then I couldn't concentrate on the cheers either and ended up forgetting how to do some of them, but luckily most of them are muscle memory at this point. We got Caprisuns at halftime and I actually couldn't finish mine, which is crazy because I love Caprisuns. My friends even said I looked concerningly pale and made me ask the coach if I could sit down lmao
          This always happens at the worst times too. School is a pretty common one, and once it even happened while in the car on a road trip — that was NOT a happy experience. 
          But like if my body could please stop trying to kill itself every month that would be greatly appreciated 




Okay y'all someone please help me. 
          Today I was listening to music and this one song called Greensleeves comes on. Now, I can't shake the feeling that I KNOW this song. That I've heard it before, probably more than once. But I cannot for the life of me remember how or why and it's driving me crazy
          Anyone have any ideas?


Y'all we're writing persuasive speeches for school and I really need help coming up with some possible topics


@_tropicalvibes_ no idea. A lot of people had politics and immigration and healthcare and stuff


@NaLu4everandalways ummmm like what type of persuasion?


If any of you ever die I will personally drag you back to this living world, idc if you were having a nice little tea party or whatever in whatever after-death place you were, you're coming back because I will NOT let you leave this world and all the people here who love you because those people DO exist. 
          No, there wasn't much reason for this, just thinking about how I would be in despair and miss you if literally any of you or anyone in this world dies. You better be best friends with me and get my own little "free therapy sessions" (as my friends have sometimes said) and go on several trips with me and grow old and wrinkly with me before you even THINK of dying, natural causes or not.
          I'm not letting any of y'all leave me ever, thank you very much


@NaLu4everandalways thank you for saying that ily sophia


            Checked Wattpad randomly and saw this ❤️
            You’re the best


Y'all omn it's gonna take me, like, two months to finish reading IT. I love it so far and Stephen King's writing is actually amazing, but it's so longgggg
          According to my kindle I'm, like, 23% of the way through (aka 271 pages) and it's already been about a week and a half since I started it. 
          I've actually been way more busy than I thought I would be so it's definitely gonna take me way longer than I originally thought it would (which was like, a month). 
          I can already tell I'm gonna become way too attached to these characters and this book and will likely feel very lost once I finish reading IT. 
          It's gonna be a long journey y'all.... I'll see you on the other side ✌


Y'all the PSL is a need rn
          I haven't had it yet this yearrrrrrr


I am a strong believer in the oxford comma
          Like, fr, y'all, why the fudge would you not use it??? 
          Say, for example, you have a grocery list like this:
          Cereal, oatmeal, bread, peaches, and cream
          BUT, if you don't use the oxford comma, it becomes:
          Cereal, oatmeal, bread, peaches and cream
          This then implies that the peaches and cream are TOGETHER and not SEPARATE ITEMS
          It also makes the sentence seem kind of incomplete, and no one wants that
          So use the oxford comma y'all, please, or I will come for you


            For example: 
            ‘I love to cook, my friends, and my pets’ turns into ‘I love to cook my friends and my pets’