
Editing and rewriting Enemy's woman for amazon. It will be coming on Amazon soon :)


Hello @N_Chandra
          Hope this message finds you well!
          I am currently reading your story Enemy’s Woman and so far it is amazing. 
          I love your command over the english language and the way you have written the story with actual facts.
          I see that you are well vast with knowledge of history and geography through the story.
          I was hoping if you could help me with books for someone who dosent know anything about history and geography, where should they start from to gain knowledge ?
          It would be greatly appreciated to hear back from you!!


Hi ma'am,
          Can I have your email please, I want to discuss about something with you. As I know I can't mention it directly here, I would like to communicate with you through any social media or email you have. Please let me know if you would like to, I will be waiting for your response.
          Thank you 


Hi author,
          Sorry for posting this on your feed. 
          Guys this is a historical slow burn romance book. If you are interested in reading these kind of books I will really appreciate if you give this book a chance. I promise you won't regret reading it. 


          Hello everyone I've started this new story and I would be very thankful if you try to read this book . I am not forcing you just want your a little time to read few chapters if you don't like it then leave it but if you do then please VOTE and COMMENT your feedback . I would love that . 
          Thankyou ♥️