
I literally post nothing on my board. I'm not even sure how many of my followers (you know, out of the whopping 124 that I have *pats self on back*) actually read these anyway. I'm sorry, I'm just not interesting enough. 
          	Anyhoo...I just went to a Marianas Trench concert! WOO! I've never screamed so loud! Josh Ramsey is the best! So amazing!  It was awesome and now my throat hurts. Time for tea! 
          	Check ya later Inklings.


hello :) i just looked at your profile and found you liked Virals and well. I'm addicted to the series (making my way through Code) and you also like Maximum Ride too when far too few people like it and I'm sorry but you are my new favourite person lmaooo


Aw lol thanks! Gosh both series are so good! It’s kinda sad that Virals isn’t as well known, so it’s always exciting when I find someone who’s heard of it! So thank you for leaving this comment! Totally made my day :D


I literally post nothing on my board. I'm not even sure how many of my followers (you know, out of the whopping 124 that I have *pats self on back*) actually read these anyway. I'm sorry, I'm just not interesting enough. 
          Anyhoo...I just went to a Marianas Trench concert! WOO! I've never screamed so loud! Josh Ramsey is the best! So amazing!  It was awesome and now my throat hurts. Time for tea! 
          Check ya later Inklings.


So it came to my attention that August has no holidays (at least any notable ones that I know of) and there are multiple dates for Fandom Day. Well I think Fandom Day should take place on August 8th. On this day, fans will pick their main fandom and draw the symbol of said fandom on their left arm, wrist or hand and wear a corresponding colour to that fandom. I want this to happen so much! I think it would be awesome to see fangirls/boys everywhere come together with their fandoms and celebrate for a day! Who's with me? Should we give August a holiday and celebrate Fandom Day together?!


Hey guys! I don't post many messages but I felt the need to send this one. I'm thinking of changing my username. I know, not a big deal, but I figured I'd let you know so nobody's confused. Yeah I know, I'm a dork. And proud! Alright, that's all.
          Peace out!