
Check out the Blue Pearl community interview book! Details on how to get interviewed or become an interviewer will be included inside! ( Don't miss out on this exclusive opportunity!


I have an important announcement to make: I'm discontinuing my story and I don't think anyone's rly gonna be surprised. I will update it eventually, but I got some critiques that made me realize that the story isn't ready. This has been a HUGE project for me and I've put a lot of time and effort into it, so in a sense it's like my baby bird. I tried to make it fly too early, and it fell. It's gonna need some time to recuperate and get stronger, and after that maybe it can be an actual book and not just something I rushed into without editing, or proofreading, or even making sure that my characters were ready to see the world. So thanks to whoever read it! Lol byee


Sneak peek of tomorrow's update!
          "I found myself leisurely reclining on a mushroom with Idris Elba and Harry Styles, listening to them fight valiantly for my affections. I sighed, leaning back and stuffing a fluffy marshmallow in my mouth whilst Chris Evans massaged my feet and a pair of angelic hands braided my hair. This was something I could get used to"
          *dreamy sighs* what does one have to do to end up in a room with all that exquisiteness at one time? I'd gladly sell my soul for just one. (Jk.. Kinda)
          Anywaysss I'm thinking about adding another day to my upload schedule so LMK what additional day you'd like updates to come out on!
          Enjoy the rest of your day luvs!


Hey guys, just published a new romance novel called "My Mafia Baby Daddy." 
          Feel free to check it out! I'll be posting every wednesday!


@Mystiq_Fliqx No problem! I enjoyed it!


@Mystiq_Fliqx  thanks for adding 'flames' to your reading list. I appreciate!!