
Hi, again, sorry for the lack of posting, I have had no motivation to do anything recently. 
          	Anyways, totally unrelated, but I crochet and I have been looking into selling my stuff. I’ve opened up commissions on Ko-fi for a custom plush doll of any character. It’s £50 + £7 shipping. Can be any character, including OC’s. 
          	I don’t know if anyone is interested, but imma just put this here. So yeah :)
  (don’t even know if links work here on Wattpad, so if not my account name is Midnight Crochets and the link will be in my bio) 


Hi, again, sorry for the lack of posting, I have had no motivation to do anything recently. 
          Anyways, totally unrelated, but I crochet and I have been looking into selling my stuff. I’ve opened up commissions on Ko-fi for a custom plush doll of any character. It’s £50 + £7 shipping. Can be any character, including OC’s. 
          I don’t know if anyone is interested, but imma just put this here. So yeah :)
 (don’t even know if links work here on Wattpad, so if not my account name is Midnight Crochets and the link will be in my bio) 


Hi, hello, I'm still alive. Just a few updates on everything. 
          James fic will still continue, I have just siriusly lacked the motivation to think up plot for a little while, hence the lack of updates over the past couple months. I am quite close to having finished writing the next chapter, just need to think up another few hundred words worth of plot, which I have the general idea for but no specifics, so it may possibly still be a little while. 
          And as for the rewritten version of my Remus fic, the second book (of three) is quite close to being done, I still need to write another couple filler chapters, plus one or two big plot point chapters (literally somehow forgot to write James and Lily's wedding, it threw my whole timeline off). I am aiming to have it out by the end of the summer at the latest, though obviously life stuff happens and I don't know how achievable this goal is. 
          And finally, just general life updates. The final exam for one of my uni modules is on Friday, then I will be moving back home, so studying and packing is probably going to overwhelm me this week and I likely won't have much time to write (though I seem to have given up on studying entirely, so I'm sure I'll make time.) 
          Anyways, think that's everything I wanted to say. Hope everyone is doing alright. Byeeeeee


Hi, hello, just popping in to say that I am still alive, it's been a while. My James fic will be updated... eventually. Just really suffering through writers block rn, kinda losing my mind. I really dont know when I'm going to finish writing the next chapter, I am trying, the ideas are just not happening. Hopefully it will be sometime by the end of the month at least, but no promises.


Sometimes I think about the fics I used to read, and then I remember all the comments I left on them, and I'm 99% sure that I've had the same Wattpad account for the entire time I've been using it, so the fact that, unless those stories have been deleted, those comments still exist and are linked to this account terrifies me. But also I kinda want to try and find them to laugh at cringe little 12 year old me


Tmw you’re sitting alone by yourself in a social gathering, listening as everyone else talks and suddenly you’re 5 years old again, struggling to make friends and wondering what’s wrong with you, why you can’t just talk to someone, why do you have to be so weird


Sitting and listening to voice notes from one of my friends as she rambles on about something really positive in her life really is just one of the greatest feelings in the world, I genuinely could listen to her forever


She started complimenting me and I started crying because she's literally the most amazing person in my life, and like hearing someone I pretty much idolise saying that they idolise me, its just so much happy tears