
I'm working on writing a story again where I have it all finished and then start to publish it slowly. Like honestly He Dreams of Flying went over so well and I think part of that was the structured schedule.


I just wanted to say "He dreams to fly" fanfiction is by far the best I've ever read. It is so well written and I love the story. I read it about 3 or 4 years ago and I still often think about this story. I decided yesterday to reread it, I enjoyed reading it just as much as the first time


I just figured out that Most ur stories name dean and castiel i hope u can use another name for the main characters but ur stories is amazing to the fire  good luck more stories to come


@beatta04 That is because I am a fanfiction author my dude. The characters are the same characters from a TV series that I put in different situations!


Hey, just wanted to say I absolutely love your fanfics and can't wait for what you have in stock!!


@deanmonz thank you so much! Sorry for replying literally more than 2 years later but I'm trying to get back into wattpad to start posting some original content after/over the summer XD


Hey, I just wanted to warn you that buystock . Org has been using and selling circut board love. This really pissed me off seeing it there, I don't know if you already know, but I am extremely angry at the site


You can report it at Google 


this message may be offensive
@ArcticJoy I'm sorry, no, I had no fucking clue? I am ridiculously pissed off as well?