
Sorry readers ASKMP. Author serius takde masa nak update. (Alasan je tu) Sebenarnya, sejak start cuti ni, mood malas author selalu turn on. Sorry eh. Malam ni author akan update. Semalam author berjaga sampai pukul 5 pagi nak siapkan bab 26. Sorryyy...


Sorry readers ASKMP. Author serius takde masa nak update. (Alasan je tu) Sebenarnya, sejak start cuti ni, mood malas author selalu turn on. Sorry eh. Malam ni author akan update. Semalam author berjaga sampai pukul 5 pagi nak siapkan bab 26. Sorryyy...


@nedoss @eddielia14 
          Thanks for the birthday wishes everyone!! I am delighted to see so many wishes... Thanks to my friends and readers... Saya harap readers akan terus menyokong karya saya.... I really appreciate those yang hantar wishes dekat saya.. I'll keep you guys close to my heart.. Thanks Emma. Thanks Nash... Thanks everyone! !!! 


Yow... hi everyone. Just posting here to remind my fellow readers to take care of your heart. Next chapter for Aku Sayang Kau, Mr Playboy is coming. What else huh?? Oh before I forgot to tell... The chapter is surprising! !


Yow! pls sokong my keminatan of CSH.... :(
          pleeasseeee jgn halang...!!! u can write all this love crite xkan xnk sokong kawan kott... hihiihi n I bukannya suka pon I MINAT JA! L.O.L :D


@KaviVeena  ehehe gone la if he got.. eheheh weyy u know u r a huge fan of 1D right.. mcm tu la but less cronic...!!!


@Eddielia  yowww....  betul kah minat??? baru 13 dah nak minat2.. haish.. budax zaman skang...  klu CSH ada wttpad account baru tau..