
I dont know how this will go. Go check it out. If you like it I'll continue. Just something I thought I'd work on since a lot of people wanted a love story.
          	I just published "Chapter 1." of my story "Her Name Is Evalynn.".


¨Maybe I'm just too tired to keep lying. You're the cause of the scars on my skin and my past I'd rather forget. Thought I found a way out. But that was just wasted hope. And now I'm just too tired to keep lying. I know I'll never erase my past. Now I just can't sleep at night. I just wanna feel ok cause I can't do this for much longer.
          Something I started awhile ago and haven’t finished.


“I've been through hell and back, but in the end I will fade into the night and the best that you can do is be there for me, though I will break down in the dark and push you away. Everything that I have tried to be, but now I will turn out the lights and let it be. The tears that flow will set you free, a better way to live so others claim. I know that only death will set me free, the damage has been done and there is no going back. The scars will forever be with me, I cannot change that. The past is the past and I know that, but I still cannot make myself understand that. The past will always haunt me like a vengeful spirit, swooping in when I am at my weakest. My fate was decided from the start, my innocence gone far too soon. I will never see the world the same way as before, I see only dark where I should see light. The ghosts of my past will be with me, always and forever."
          Something I wrote some time ago.


Hi, just read your self harm book (as you probably know from the spam of votes ) and was just wondering if you wanted to give each other a shoutout and publish a poem/quote from each other's book in our own? If not no worries, Thankyou x Sending love  


I would love that! Just let me know when you do and then I will!
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Hi! Back then I was one of the people who clicked your self harm story. It's been ages and I just wondered. Why did you make the book in the first place? if it's okay to ask 


@justxjamie I was in a hard place and just felt like others could relate. I found quotes I liked and put them somewhere for others to see. I never thought it would blow up like it did. Now that I'm better it's a way for me to help in any way I can. I guess I just needed a safe haven. I hope that answered it!
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I love your story so much. I wrote a poem in one of mine and your story reminds me of that poem. My friends read it and say I'm suicidal. They don't ask me if I'm okay though.


@KiaraThatsUs well I'm always here if you need me! My friends never asked either but you'll get better. I did. 
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          Sorry to bother you but I was wondering if you could help me. 
          I've recently started an online Wattpad support group for anyone suffering with anything. It's a safe place for people to talk and be comforted. Everyone is welcome and I'd love it if you would be willing to spread the word of it's existance. My goal is to help people who have suffered. :) It's called The Support Group and can be found via my profile, under the My Works section. 
          Thank you for reading this message. :) Have a nice day. :)


@TeaAndSympathy I will. Let me get around to it as soon as I can!
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I'm sorry to bother you but I was wondering if you could help me. 
          I've recently started an online Wattpad support group for anyone suffering with anything. It's a safe place for people to talk and be comforted. Everyone is welcome and I'd love it if you would be willing to spread the word of it's existance. My goal is to help people who have suffered as I have. :) It's called The Support Group and can be found via my profile, under the My Works section. 
          Thank you. :)