
Hey guys 
          	I’ve changed phones and now have a different Wattpad account 
          	I am no longer Musicbookgeek - my new account is under Lady Literature.
          	I will still be writing and loving this community xx
          	Keep safe x


Hey Guys,
          I’m going to try and be more diligent with my poems on Finding My Way (she says ). I’m also starting a new short poetry book called “Sweet but Short” - check it out and tell me what you think! 
          Love to all through the bad times ❤️❤️❤️


Hey all,
          Hope everyone is doing good. I am trying to upload more poems to Finding my Way. If you have a free minute give them a read and see what you think. Love to all in these trying times. Thanks to key workers - you rock! 


Hello guys,
          Life is so hectic at the moment I can barely stay awake. So - the plan is to update my books weekly - we are talking about “Isn’t it funny?”, “World of Words” and “Finding My Way”. So please check them out when you have a few minutes to kill  and let me know what you think. 
          Lots of love xxx