
I have gotten into a habit of starting a book, releasing a few chapters, then vanishing off of Wattpad. 
          	I used to really enjoy writing on Wattpad and had a passion for it. I'm trying to rediscover that passion and I think I need to revisit the series that I had the most fun writing stories of. That series is Fairy Tail. My Wendy Marvell books are my pride and joy out of everything I've written. I had so much fun writing those two books. 
          	So my question to everybody is...which female of the guild would you like to see in a story?


I have gotten into a habit of starting a book, releasing a few chapters, then vanishing off of Wattpad. 
          I used to really enjoy writing on Wattpad and had a passion for it. I'm trying to rediscover that passion and I think I need to revisit the series that I had the most fun writing stories of. That series is Fairy Tail. My Wendy Marvell books are my pride and joy out of everything I've written. I had so much fun writing those two books. 
          So my question to everybody is...which female of the guild would you like to see in a story?


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How in the hell do they come up these bean boozled flavors AND get them so freaking accurate?!? I got dirty bandage last night and you actually get that taste of metal that you can get if you taste blood. How the actual fuck?!?


@Murusama Because blood has a metallic taste which, given the right chemical compounds, can be easily replicated.


Does anybody know where I can adopt a pug in Missouri? I had one for 5 years until we had to give him away and now that I got a reliable source of income, I want to adopt another one.


No nearby shelters or anything? 


To anybody who enjoys fantasy stories, I highly recommend a series called FableHaven. It is on audible and it is insanely good. 


@Murusama alright thanks author, I'll check it out. Stay safe 


@JamesL5 FableHaven is one but it happens further into the series. Around book 3 or 4. Can't remembet which.


@Murusama that's fine, thanks. Those sound interesting, what are some of you know?


Wattpad is actually run by morons. -_- what is the benefit of removing pms? What do people get out of this idiotic change?


@ Murusama  Yep, I found out and was like "Why?" I mean we could interact with our followers and other writers and become friends. It's weird that they take it away :/


@Murusama is it for real though 


I have watched all of Hazbin Hotel Season 1 and I got to say this.
          The Haters can suck my balls! I loved every episode of that show! The characters were awesome! The songs were actually good and not just cringeworthy! Pacing was wonky but I wasn't bothered by it too much. Looking forward to seeing more in Season 2!


@Murusama Sorry I don’t like sucking balls BUT I will suck candy shaped like balls 


@Murusama  Yeah the pacing you can blame Amazon for that. But yeah this show was amazing.